Buddhism “Enlightened One”
Founder, Siddhartha Gautama became the Enlightened One, or Buddha. Siddhartha was a rich prince who rejected the idea of the Hindu caste system. Developed in 563 B.C. in India near Nepal.
Buddha promoted the correct way of living in order to reach a spiritual state of Nirvana. Buddhism does not have a specific god or gods, but believes in energy of all beings. Belief in karma and reincarnation.
Samsara, the cycle of birth and rebirth, continues until people reach nirvana. Meditation is important for the Buddhist way of life. Goals of Buddhism include Enlightenment, purity, and proper thoughts.
The Four Noble Truths: 1. All life is suffering, pain, and misery, also known as dukkha. 2. Suffering has a cause, also known as tanha, or selfish craving and personal desire. 3. Selfish craving can be overcome. 4. To overcome this misery is through the Eightfold Path.
The eightfold Path 1. Know the Four Noble Truths. 2. Work towards Nirvana. 3. Speak kindly. 4. Act appropriately. 5. Choose a career to promote well being not money.
6. Be obedient. 7. Be self aware 8. Be absorbed in a state of Nirvana.