Utah Leah Voorhies Utah State Board of Education Jennifer McKenzie Southern Utah University Kari Gali Dixie State University
Utah’s Historical Context: Mismatch Education Preparation Program (EPP) and Local Education Agency (LEA) EPPs shared with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) that they sometimes struggled to find placements for pre-service teachers which would adequately and accurately demonstrate the competencies required by the EPPs. LEAs shared with the USBE that pre-services teachers were not adequately prepared to teach on day one and weren’t prepared to teach all learners.
Utah Partnership for Transforming Educator Preparation (UPTEP) Partners: USBE General Education USBE Special Education USBE Licensing Board of Regents (Higher Education) EPP Deans/Associate Deans
CEEDAR State Leadership Team (SLT) Workgroup 1 1. Identify competencies that will lead to success in the classroom on day one and with all learners 2. Create a tool (related to above) that EPPs can use to measure competencies and document candidate readiness for teaching Workgroup 2 1. Create a guidance document to govern cooperating teacher selection, training, and support 2. Create a tool that LEAs can use to create a mentoring program that supports teacher candidates and their mentors AND/OR create a model mentoring program
Workgroup 1 1) Create a crosswalk (alignment matrix) of instruction practices and clarify what competencies will be emphasized Utah Effective Teaching Standards (UETS) Teaching Works High Leverage Practices (HLPs) Council of Exceptional Children (CEC)/CEEDAR HLPs Utah Multi-tiered System of Supports (UMTSS) critical components Performance Assessment and Evaluation System (PAES) components 2) Using the crosswalk, develop a running record of examples demonstrating the range of actions that might meet a competency standard
Workgroup 2 1) Improve clinical practice with a focus on mentor or cooperating teacher quality, and quality LEA-EPP partnerships throughout the teacher preparation process Created a draft of terminology used in student teaching and internship clinical experiences for Utah Identified the qualities of an effective cooperating teacher Compared current procedures on identifying cooperating teachers with list of the qualities of an effective cooperating teacher Surveyed policies in other states for identifying cooperating teachers Surveyed policies in other states for training cooperating teachers 2) Identify Model Programs that provide exemplars of high-quality mentor teacher preparation