States of Matter Scientists! Science - Year 4 States of Matter – Block 4SM States of Matter Scientists! Session 1 PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
so does that make it a liquid? Sand can be poured, so does that make it a liquid?
Discuss the different materials in front of you. Would you class them as a solid or a liquid?
Solid Liquid Keeps its shape Spreads out to fill the bottom of a container Cannot flow Can flow Has a fixed volume Cannot be compressed Cannot be compressed easily Cannot move through it Can move through it Particles packed close together and can only vibrate Particles can move or slide over each other Feels hard Feels wet Maintains its shape and its volume Maintains its volume but not its shape Confused? Will this list of properties help you to classify if it is solid or liquid?
Even scientists sometimes find this tricky, there are some materials that simply don’t fit into a category.
There is a 3rd State of Matter – do you know what it is called?
Now you’re an expert, make a 2 minute film to explain solids and liquids to others using the resources on your table as evidence.