The Presidency Terms to Know Standards Met: (1) Five amendments have altered provisions for presidential election, terms and succession to address changing historical circumstances. (2) three branches of government (Focus: Executive Branch); each functions with its own set of powers and responsibilities.
Acting President person who temporarily fills the role of an organization's president, either when the real president is unavailable (for example ill or on vacation) or when the post is vacant (for example because of death, injury, resignation, or dismissal)
Amnesty A group pardon to individuals for an offense against the government What is it?
Appointment/Removal Power The power of the President to “give” or “take” a persons job Appointment Power Explained.
Bureaucrat A person who works for one of the departments or agencies of the federal government
Civil Service System The principal and practice of government employment on the basis of open, competitive examinations and merit
Cabinet An advisory group that helps the President make decisions and set governmental policy
Deregulation To reduce the powers of regulatory agencies Deregulation Explained
Electoral College Group of electors that chooses the President and Vice-President
Executive Agreement An agreement, usually pertaining to administrative matters and less formal than an international treaty, made between chiefs of state without senatorial approval Executive Agreement Explained
Executive Order Executive Order example …In the United States, an executive order is a directive issued by the President of the United States that manages operations of the federal government, and have the force of law.
Executive Privilege The presidents right to refuse to testify before, or provide information to, Congress or, a court Executive Privilege Explained
Government Corporation A business the Federal Government runs
Inauguration Ceremony where the President is officially sworn in The first Inauguration
Item Veto The power to reject a particular section or item in a piece of legislation without vetoing the entire law Presidential Power
Pardon Release from legal punishment ture=related
Popular Vote The vote for a U.S. presidential candidate made by the qualified voters, as opposed to that made by the electoral college
Presidential Succession The order in which officials fill the office of President in case of a vacancy Presidential Succession
Recognition Any individual, family, or group can receive Presidential recognition for annual and lifelong commitment to volunteer service at home or abroad. The following are example Presidential Recognitions in Math & Science
Reprieve The postponement of a legal punishment
Spoils System The practice of victorious politicians rewarding their followers with government jobs
State of the Union Message An annual message to Congress in which the President reports on the state of the nation and outlines a legislative program: required by the Constitution (Article II, Section 3). Donald Trump State of the Union 2018
Treaty A formal agreement between the governments of two or more nations Obama Nuclear Treaty Signing Carter Isreal & Egypt Treaty