Monday, November 5 Your seats have been chosen – find your tags. If there is a problem with your seat unbeknownst to me, come and find me privately and we will talk. Copy down your assignments – get your assignment book signatures ready to show me. MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Get your Monday folders signed!!!!! SPELLING TEST will be on FRIDAY this week.
RW (M): We will actively infer, question, and connect as we continue our book study of The Giver. Opening: How is your Giver journal working for you? Questions/suggestions/wonders? Work period: Read The Giver ch. 3 TAKING NOTES & QUESTIONS in your journal. Finished? Define vocab Read your own book study for this week’s spelling/vocab test. Closing: Share/Discuss
WW (Mon): We will analyze elements of personal narrative texts. Opening: What makes a personal narrative text? 14 Cows for America A/C: “Elements of a Personal Narrative” Work Period: In Groups Butcher Paper Bubble Maps: center – Title/author, branches – Heading/specific elements of YOUR GROUP’S picture book, optional – illustrate Closing: Share out
Math (M): How do we “factor expressions”? Opening: Work period: “Factoring Expressions” Monday Complete independently SHOW YOUR WORK Formative assessment Finished? Create multiplication flashcards and practice math fluency Closing: Go over/grade
SS (M): We will identify and illustrate the various types of government. Opening: What are the different types of government? Ch. 4, section 3 pg 91 – assessment pg 95, FA Work Period: Using the toys you have been given, create a depiction of the type of government listed on the card your group has drawn. On manila paper, explain HOW that depiction (pose) shows the Who/what/where/when/why/how of your governmental system, along with the name of your system. Be prepared to share with the class your depiction and explanation. Closing: Of all the systems, which do you feel is the most fair? Which do you feel is the least? Why?
Tuesday, November 6 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be on FRIDAY this week. MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today?
RW (T): We will translate our questions /thoughts into answers for The Giver ch 3. Opening: Share ONE thought/ONE questions/ONE vocab word Work period: Answer ch. 3 comprehension questions INDEPENDENTLY in your Giver journal – include TEXT EVIDENCE. Finished? Read your own book/study for this week’s spelling/vocab test. Closing: Share/Discuss Why do they have a newchild? Pale eyes – how was he feeling? When has insensitive chatter ever gotten YOU in trouble? Why do they have a new child? What look do YOUR eyes give YOU? What is YOUR comfort object? Describe/Explain? “very little honor” pg 21 – WHAT?!?! YOUR reaction …. What are the jobs we know about so far? Label, describe. What are the RULES we know about so far? Label, describe. Pg 24 - apple is changing … believe? Theories? “pale, solemn, knowing eyes” – predictions? Vocab to define: chastise, unsettling, petulantly, reluctantly, droning, adequately, non-descript, tunic, mystified
WW (Tues): We will brainstorm options for our own Thanksgiving-themed personal narratives. Opening: Brainstorm worksheet – complete class-version from the viewpoint of story-book character of class-choice (TBD) Work period: complete PERSONAL brainstorm worksheet – EACH BOX TO BE FILLED OUT (formative grade) Finished? Read, work on math, study spelling words, Study Island, etc. USE YOUR TIME PRODUCTIVELY Closing: Share your top three “boxes.”
Math (T): How do we solve “two step equations: integers“? Opening: Discuss Work period: “two step equations: integers” Tuesday Complete independently SHOW YOUR WORK Formative assessment Finished? Create multiplication flashcards and practice math fluency Closing: Go over/grade
SS (T): We will identify and illustrate the various types of government. Opening: What are the different types of government? Work Period: Using the toys you have been given, create a depiction of the type of government listed on the card your group has drawn. On manila paper, explain HOW that depiction (pose) shows the Who/what/where/when/why/how of your governmental system, along with the name of your system. Be prepared to share with the class your depiction and explanation. Formative assessment Finished? Math flashcards, math CSR, reading ch 3 questions, spelling, etc …. Closing: Of all the systems, which do you feel is the most fair? Which do you feel is the least? Why?
Wednesday, November 7 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be on FRIDAY this week.
RW (W): We will actively infer, question, and connect as we continue our book study of The Giver. Opening: How is your Giver journal working for you? Questions/suggestions/wonders? Work period: Read The Giver ch.4 TAKING NOTES/QUESTIONS in your journal. Finished? Read your own book/study for this week’s spelling/vocab test. Turn in OPEN “Giver Journals” (ch 3 questions), front table Closing: Share/Discuss
WW (Wed): We will brainstorm the elements of personal narrative texts. Opening: Brainstorm worksheet – complete class-version from the viewpoint of story-book character of class-choice (TBD) Work period: using your brainstorm worksheet “box”, select three moments (squares)over which you could write. “STAR” the three you have chosen Brainstorm “pinwheel” elements for the starred three ideas MAKE SURE you walk away with at least ONE strong writing idea Finished? Read, study spelling words, Study Island, etc. USE YOUR TIME PRODUCTIVELY Closing: Share your top three “boxes.” Over which one would you recommend your partner write?
Math (W): How do we “simplify equations”? Opening: math/cc-7th-variables-expressions/cc-7th-manipulating- expressions/v/combining-like-terms-and-the-distributive-property Discuss Work period: “Simplifying Expressions” Wednesday Complete independently SHOW YOUR WORK Formative assessment Finished? Create multiplication flashcards and practice math fluency Closing: Go over/grade
Science (W): We will demonstrate our knowledge of the three laws of motion. Opening: Review ch. 3 Work period: Ch. 3 test, pg 104, 105 EACH ANSWER MUST HAVE TEXT EVIDENCE Finished? Turn it in to the Science tray Read, work on unfinished work – DO NOT TALK. Closing: Grade/discuss
Thursday, November 8 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments. MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be on FRIDAY this week.
RW (R): We will translate our questions/thoughts into answers for The Giver ch 4. Opening: Share ONE thought/ONE questions/ONE vocab word Work period: Answer ch. 4 comprehension questions INDEPENDENTLY in your Giver journal – include TEXT EVIDENCE. Finished? Read your own book/study for this week’s spelling/vocab test. Closing: Share/Discuss Pg 26 – what are “bikeports” “had done his entire nearly-Four” ? How well would you do if there was a rule against bragging? What would you find the hardest to stop? What are there rules against so far? Who are some characters we have met so far? What are some of their character traits? If we were assigned a required number of volunteer hours, where and for how MANY would you be assigned? Pg 29 – which do you think would be the best way to approach an “assignment” – focus on ONE or shuffle? Which would YOU do? Begin a “no-choices” chart …. Pg 31 – what do YOU believe makes a life “meaningful”? What does it take? Are there different types of “release?” Theories? Vocab to define: invariably, hasten, chastisement, tabulated, serene, chortled
WW (R): We will formulate the elements for our own Thanksgiving-themed personal narratives. Opening: Continue brainstorming from the viewpoint of story-book character of class-choice (TBD) Work period: Complete PERSONAL brainstorming EACH ELEMENT TO BE COMPLETED (formative grade) Finished? Turn in OPEN on front white table, read, study spelling words, Study Island, etc. USE YOUR TIME PRODUCTIVELY Closing: Share your TOP element and the one with which you are struggling the most. How can your table group help?
Math (R): How do we solve “two-step equations”? Opening: Review – questions, concerns, confusions, etc. THIS IS OUR LAST WEEK ON THIS SKILL: speak up NOW THERE WILL BE A TEST WITH YOUR SPELLING TEST! Work period: “Two-step Expressions” Thursday Complete independently SHOW YOUR WORK Formative assessment Finished? Create multiplication flashcards and practice math fluency Closing: Go over/grade
Science (R): We will discover the various types of energy. Opening: (3 minutes, intro video) Look around the room – what type of energy do you see? What types have you used thus far? Anchor chart/notes in journal - M/E/L/T/S (see next slide) Work period: Chapter 4, lesson 1 –Scavenger hunt around campus (unless too cold): Closing: Which type do you find MOST important? Which type do you think you use the most? Discuss
Friday, November 9 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – it will be today!
non-descript mystified chastisement tabulated I was worried I would not 1____________ 2_______________ Cooper to get him to understand that throwing his food on the ground 3_____________ on PURPOSE is wrong. We all 4_____________ drop things, but on PURPOSE is not ok. My 5_________________ 6________________ my mom, Coops’ grandma, who 7___________ to restore the 8_________ atmosphere at the table as quickly as possible.
Stations (Fri): We will work cooperatively to design and evaluate, using the concepts we have learned this week. Station 1: Readers/Writers: 1) finish group narrative pinwheels 2) work on your Thanksgiving personal narrative (20 minutes), then read your own personal book (15 minutes). 3) Begin rough draft – SKIP LINES; in FIRST PERSON (I, me, my, etc). USE YOUR BRAINSTORMING Station 2: Science: Science Station: The Science of Sound Waves (directions at stations, be sure to work cooperatively and carefully!) Station 3: Computer/Techno: Study Island, AR tests, etc Whole group work: Choose next book for class read-aloud novel “Converting Energy” experiment Spelling/vocab test
Friday – Science Station: The Science of Sound Waves Complete in your Science Journal: “The Science of Sound Waves” Question: How do vibrations alter sound waves? Hypothesis: Data: Materials: A ruler (we found a wooden or heavy plastic ruler worked best), two different size spoons (try using a teaspoon and a serving spoon), about 4 feet of string or yarn (this will depend on how tall you are as you can see below) Directions: First, create a loop in the middle of the yarn/string and insert the handle of the spoon. Pull tightly so that the spoon hangs in the center of the yarn/string and you have two long pieces of approximately equal length. Take each string and wrap them around your pointer finger on each hand. Then push the string against each ear You'll want the spoon to hang just below the waist once both ends of the yarn are placed near the ears. You can see in this photo that you don't have to use the end of each piece of yarn/string -- in fact, as you do the experiment, change how high or low the spoon hangs to see if it changes the sound. Ok, here's the big moment ... Once the string in pushed against the ears, have someone GENTLY hit the ruler against the round part of the spoon Step: Materials Results: Conclusion.
Friday – Science Station: Converting Energy For this experiment you will need: Directions: a pie plate or cake pan Rip off a small piece of paper and find a place with direct sunlight. a small piece of white paper Place the scrap in the pan and try to focus the light with the magnifying glass into a tiny circle on the paper. a magnifying glass a glass of water Keep it there – time/log/observe Your goal is to concentrate the solar energy coming from the sun with the magnifying glass, effectively converting the solar energy into thermal energy. If you can heat the paper until it actually burns then you have been successful. Next – do the SAME THING but this time with BLACK paper – time/log/observe ? What does this show us?