Unit 5 week 1 Spelling and vocabulary
apple A round shaped fruit that is usually red or yellow and can be eaten The red apple was tasty and juicy!
baseball A game where players from two teams use a bat to hit a ball so that players can move around the field and score for their team The ball used in the game called baseball We love to play baseball, because it is a fun sport.
useful helpful The computer is useful when researching a topic, and when playing games.
table A piece of furniture with a flat surface on top with legs underneath We all sit around the brown table to eat dinner, and we clean it when we are done.
inside The inner part of something We like to stay inside the warm house when it is raining, because we like to stay dry.
hope A feeling that things will turn out fine I hope that I do well on my test, but I am not sure if I will.
purple A color made when red and blue are combined My favorite color is purple, but I also like pink.
mistake An error in action, thinking or calculating We all learn from the mistakes we make, and take pride in our work.
little Small in size The little lion was very cute, but he was still strong.
shape The outside from or outline of an object We learn about all of the different shapes in school, and my favorite one is a square.
streetcar A vehicle that runs on the street, but on rails like a train The streetcar is an excellent mode of transportation, because it helps save the earth.
grip To hold something in a strong way He gripped the baseball, so he could throw it harder.