LYMEC Connecting European Liberal Youth
LYMEC European Liberal Youth Established in 1976 as the Liberal and Radical Youth Movement of the European Community Youth organisation of ALDE Party and ALDE Group 57 Member Organisations (MO) in 38 Countries Individual Membership since 1997 Individual Members Section
Secretariat Bureau MO’s Congress IMS Working Groups Committee on Discipline & Arbitrage Internal Auditors Members of MO’s Individual Members of LYMEC
ALDE Party Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Established in 1976 Formerly European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDR) until 2012 Over 60 member parties, thousands of individual members Party President Hans van Baalen, MEP (Netherlands)
ALDE Party 6 liberal Prime Ministers: Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg Charles Michel, Prime Minister of Belgium Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister of Estonia Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of The Netherlands Juha Sipilä, Prime Minister of Finland
ALDE Party 5 Liberal Commissioners: Andrus Ansip, Vice President and Commissioner for Digital Single Market Violeta Bulc, Commissioner for Transport Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Trade Margarethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
ALDE Group Alliance of European Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament Consists of MEPs from two European parties: ALDE Party European Democrats Party (EDP) 68 Members of European Parliament (57 ALDE Party) Fourth largest group in the EP (EPP 217, S&D 189, ECR 74) Leader Guy Verhofstadt, MEP (Belgium)
ELF European Liberal Forum The foundation of ALDE Party Members are think-tanks, political foundations and institutes Close to 40 members from Europe and EU Neighbourhood countries LYMEC and ALDE Party are partners
LYMEC in practice Congresses Seminars Trainings and capacity building Campaigns Online Working Groups Regional cooperation: Nordics, Baltics, Balkans, (Benelux) Encouraging twinnings
LYMEC pushing the political agenda Statements Press releases Publications Blog posts Email campaigns Twitter campaigns
LYMEC priorities Democracy and structural reform (institutional reform, EMU) Defence and cyber security Digital market & trade Education and labour market reform Environment, climate change and energy Migration + Decision to feed digitisation into everything
LYMEC online Twitter: @lymec Facebook: European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) Instagram: @lymec YouTube: Young Liberals