Welcome to Mrs. Stuart’s Math 8 Class Team 83
Meet the Teachers GMS Math 8 Staff GVSU Teacher Assistant Jamie Stuart – Certified Math Teacher Wendy Harkema– Certified Special Education Teacher GVSU Teacher Assistant Madelyn Johnson
Teaching Style Inquiry Based Learning Different than typical “process learning” Students must “understand” the “what and why’s” of the content not just the “how” Students will be collaborating with group members to discuss concepts and develop a conceptual understanding. The students will have to discover the concepts, it will not be given to them
Why is Inquiry Based instruction Important Students retain information If the student understands the “why and what” they have a greater chance of retaining the information and recalling it later. Will not require memorization rather understanding. Common Core Standards State and Federal standards that forces students to become problem solvers and higher level thinkers Assessments – Questions focus on understanding the content and not being able to just “do the Math” M-Step SAT
Why is Math 8 harder for my child? Abstract Algebra Concepts Algebra material takes elementary concepts and manipulates them in an abstract context Analysis Increased number of word problems Creating algebraic equations from real-world situations and solving them Interpreting the solutions
What does a successful Math 8 student do? Keeps an organized and accurate journal (student created textbook) Formative Assessments – Homework Checks (collection of problems that assess the Learning Targets in their journal) Monitor homework checks Any score below 80% is a red flag that the student needs help. Student should review all mistakes from a Homework Check. Fill out and monitor the “Progress Monitoring” sheet in their Math journals Reflect, Reflect, Reflect Reflect on all mistakes from homework, homework checks, quizzes, tests and exams. GET HELP WHEN NEEDED!!!!!!! Complete extra practice problems
Progress Monitoring Learning Targets Homework Checks Quizzes Tests Exams
Help Options Tutoring every morning from 7:30-8:00 Online Tutorials I have 1 TA available to answer questions Mrs. Harkema and Mrs. Obetts are also available in their rooms Student MUST bring questions with them Student will be excused from being late to 1st hour Online Tutorials Students can Google the topic and several tutorials will be available Khan Academy is a great resource Practice sheet on Mrs. Stuart’s Website Study group with peers
Classroom Packet Highlights Homework Make sure it gets completed when given Team 83 Homework Page Tutoring every morning from 7:30-8:00 I have 1 TA available for help as well Students MUST bring questions with them Grade 80% is performance – tests & quizzes 20% is process – Daily assignments, homework, checkpoint quizzes
Contact US Mrs. Stuart Mrs. Harkema Email Prefer Email Phone jstuart@gpsbulldogs.org Phone 616-254-6617 Mrs. Harkema Email wharkema@gpsbulldogs.org 616-254- 6701
I am looking forward to a GREAT year! Any Questions?