Building an Academic Argument Mel Kinchant Academic Skills Adviser
What is an academic argument? Students often get caught up spending lots of time trying to find the ‘perfect answer’ as if there is always only one correct answer. However, you are usually being assessed on your ability to present your own argument. Two students could effectively present very different responses to one particular assignment brief, but gain similarly high marks if they have each presented a well developed argument.
What is an academic argument? An argument asserts and provides reasons & evidence in support of a particular point of view to persuade An argument will either: advance an opinion or recommend an action
Certain or probable? Arguments cannot always be proved with 100% certainty. When considering the argument you wish to present, first determine if it is certain or merely probable. Consider its place on a spectrum ranging from impossible through to possible, probable and certain. Most arguments are situated somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. Think about the language that you use when you are presenting arguments within your writing. You are very unlikely to be ‘proving’ anything, so your word choice should reflect this and you should remain tentative and cautious in tone wherever appropriate. You can still present a strong and well reasoned argument for something being the case without presenting it as absolute fact!
How can you build an effective academic argument? Firstly, your academic ‘voice’ needs to come through in your writing. You cannot simply describe the ideas of others. You need to show the reader (your marker) what you are thinking, what your views are and how you have engaged critically with the topic being discussed. Your own ideas must be informed by appropriate academic literature related to the topic. To be effective your argument needs to be persuasive. You are trying to convince your reader that this way is the right way!
Building an effective academic argument requires… A clear line of reasoning & evidence You need to ensure that your writing is; ACCURATE BALANCED COMPREHENSIVE DISPASSIONATE EVIDENCED Spend time picking apart the assignment brief – look for the question. If there is a question mark then this is easy, but sometimes the question can be ‘hidden’ and you need to locate it within the brief. Remember that in relation to the question, you will usually be required to provide a response situated at a given point on the probability spectrum. Your argument will therefore lie somewhere between; ‘Not at all/impossible’ and ‘Definitely yes/certain’
Develop your line of argument Use your paragraphs to ‘build’ your argument, paragraph by paragraph, point by point, with each contributing something else towards your overall argument; Ask yourself, what is the point I want my reader to take away? (In general, each paragraph should focus on a specific point or issue) Include a topic sentence at the start of each paragraph to clarify the point being covered in that particular paragraph at eh very beginning. Develop each point with further explanation as required
Develop your line of argument Include evidence/& examples to support your point/idea. Consider the order of your paragraphs – are they in the most logical sequence? Use linking words and phrases to signpost your flow of ideas between one paragraph and the next one. This will help you to develop a clear thread throughout your writing starting from your introduction and right through to your final conclusions. Are you able to provide a mini conclusion to finish your paragraph (perhaps note how this point contributes to your overall argument) ?
Remember to … Keep it evidence-based Define your key terms Acknowledge different perspectives Examine a range of evidence Present your reasoned case (backed up by evidence) like a solicitor or lawyer in a court of law