ITU-T and Climate Change: Setting the Standard Arthur Levin, Head, Standardization Policy Division (ITU-T) Presentation of ITU Background Paper ITU/CITIC Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change Quito, 8-10 July 2009 The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the ITU or its Membership.
ITU-T and Climate Change: Setting the Standard FG on ICT&CC concluded with 4 Deliverables in March 2009. Inputs from non-ITU members (e.g., academia) were also taken into considerations Mandate of SG5 was expanded at the last TSAG (28-30 April 2009) New SG5 title: Environment and climate change SG5 created a new WP 3/5 All SGs examining impact of recommendations on climate change SGs developing standards for new energy efficient technologies E.g. SG-13 on Next Generation Networks NGN estimated to be 40% more energy efficient
ITU-T: Building Knowledge on Climate Change Res. 73 WTSA-08): ITU Member States recognized important role of ICTs in addressing climate change ITU-T issued major Technology Watch Reports on Climate Change and positive impact of new technologies Next Generation Networks, Intelligent Transport Systems, etc Organizing Major Symposia on ICT and CC 2008: Kyoto and London 2009: Quito and Seoul (virtual event) ITU-T pioneering energy efficient work methods Paperless meetings, on-line work tools, etc. ITU-T leading Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change as part of IGF
Challenges Develop a methodology to measure impact of ICTs as part of national GHG reduction programs Identify priority sectors where ICTs can reduce emissions (e.g. smart buildings Grow the ICT industry in an environmentally friendly manner Disposal of ICTs
Deliverables from FG on ICT&CC Deliverable 1: Definition Defines the terms needed to analyze the major relationships between ICTs and Climate Change Deliverable 2: Gap analysis and standards roadmap Shows ongoing work (done by ITU, other standard bodies, universities, etc.) and future study issues Deliverable 3: Methodologies Covers the assessment of ICT sector’s emission over the entire life cycle of ICT devices Also covers reducing other sector’s emission by the use of ICT Deliverable 4: Direct and Indirect Impact of ITU Standards Provides tools and guidelines to evaluate the reduction of emission of ICT sector and of other sector by the use of ICT
Working Party 3/5 structure Chairman: Keith Dickerson(UK) Vice Chairmen: Eunsook Kim (Korea) and Takeshi Origuchi (Japan) Rapporteur Associate Rapporteur Q17/5 Paolo Gemma (China) Franz Zichy (US) Q18/5 Jean Manuel Canet (France) Takafumi Hashitani (Japan) Q19/5 Kaoru Asakura (Japan) Didier Marquet (France) (Acting) Q20/5 Gilbert Buty (France) Dave Faulkner (UK) Q21/5 Didier Marquet (France) & Julio Cesar (Brazil) Xia Zhang (China) & Paulo Curado (Brazil)
New and revised Questions Q14/5(revised): Guides and terminology on environment and climate change Q17/5(new): Coordination and Planning of ICT&CC related standardization Q18/5(new): Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT Q19/5(new): Power feeding systems Q20/5(new): Data collection for Energy Efficiency for ICTs over the lifecycle Q21/5(continuation of Q.19/15): Environmental protection and recycling of ICT equipments/facilities
Joint Coordination Activity (JCA) Established at the last TSAG meeting (28-30 April 2009) Objectives: To co-ordinate across ITU-T SGs (in particular SGs 5, 9, 13, 15 and 16), and with ITU-R and ITU-D. To seek co-operation from external bodies including non-ITU member organizations Convener Mr. Ahmed Zeddam (France) Co-convener Mr. Dave Faulkner (UK) Invitations for the first meeting during the next SG5 meeting (Oct. 2009) to various bodies to be sent shortly
Next Steps/Actions Stimulate correspondence activities (e.g., on Universal Charging Solution) toward the next SG5 meeting (Oct. 2009) so that Contributions will be submitted appropriately Identify areas which need collaboration through JCA activities Plan WP/Question level meeting after the next SG5 meeting to accelerate progress
References FG-ICT&CC deliverables: New SG5 mandate: TD120(Gen/5) New SG5 mandate: TD120(Gen/5) Wording of New SG5 Questions: TD211R1(Gen/5) Terms of reference for JCA-ICT&CC: TD121 (Gen/5) ITU events on climate change:
Thank you International Telecommunication Union Arthur Levin Head, Standardization Policy Division <>