INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 885 St. Michael-Albertville, Minnesota Audited Financial Statements June 30, 2018 Before you begin, save this new document under the appropriate client folder. In the menu, Choose Edit, Replace to replace “CLIENT NAME” with the actual CLIENT NAME. Choosing Replace All will make the change on all slides at once. Change the presentation title as needed.
Independent Auditor’s Reports Unmodified Opinion – Best Opinion Auditor can Issue Financial statements present fairly in all material respects the financial position and change in financial position of the governmental activities, each major fund and the aggregate remaining funds Unmodified Opinion on Single Audit Compliance Child Nutrition Program Minnesota Legal Compliance Public purpose criteria for expenditures Amount of pledged collateral
Audit Findings and Recommendations Lack of Segregation of Accounting Duties
General Education Aid
Resident ADM
Resident ADM (Continued)
Average Daily Membership and Pupil Units
Students Served - PUN
Students Served – PUN (Continued)
Change in Resident ADM and Weighted/Adjusted ADM Served
General Fund Budget and Actual
General Fund Sources of Revenue
General Fund Expenditures
General Fund Expenditure Allocation
Revenues per ADM Served
Expenditures per ADM Served
General Fund Operations
General Fund Financial Position
Unrestricted Fund Balance as of Unrestricted Expenditures
Long Term Debt
Long Term Debt (Continued)
District’s Tax Levies
District’s Tax Capacity Rate
Net Tax Capacity, Levy, and Tax Capacity Rate
Referendum Tax Rate and Referendum Market Value
Food Service Fund
Community Service Fund
Questions? Matthew Mayer (952) 563-6873 Thank you!