East Africa facing hunger Using social media for good Full lesson plan from redcross.org.uk/education Full lesson plan from redcross.org.uk/education 1
How many WhatsApp messages are sent per day globally?
How many WhatsApp messages are sent per day globally? Answer: 65 billion Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/whatsapp-65-billion-messages-sent-each-day-and-more-than-2-billion-minutes-of-calls/
How many tweets are posted each day?
How many tweets are posted each day? Answer: 500 million Source: http://www.worldometers.info
How many posts on Instagram are “liked” each day?
How many posts on Instagram are “liked” each day? Answer: 4.2 billion Source: https://blog.hootsuite.com/instagram-statistics/
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