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Outline Overview of ESS Roles and responsibilities Key ESS Facts
What is Emergency Social Services? Overview of ESS What is Emergency Social Services? Emergency Social Services (ESS) is BC’s province-wide, community based, emergency response program ESS are those services required to preserve the well-being of people affected by an emergency or disaster
Overview of ESS What does ESS Do? ESS is an integral part of Emergency Management in BC by: Helping people to remain independent and self-sufficient Helping people to meet their basic needs during a disaster Reuniting families separated by disaster Providing people with accurate and up-to-date information about the situation at hand Helping people to re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster
What services are provided? Overview of ESS What services are provided? ESS provides primary services such as: food lodging clothing family reunification (registration & inquiry) ESS may also provide specialized services such as: emotional support first aid child care pet care public information radio communications
Who provides ESS? ESS volunteers and staff Overview of ESS Who provides ESS? ESS volunteers and staff over 5,000 local volunteers and staff across BC ESS Support Organizations Provincial Emergency Program regional and provincial staff Every local authority in BC should have an ESS team The local ESS leader is the ESS Director The ESS Director reports to Emergency Program Coordinator
Overview of ESS Local Authority Level
Overview of ESS Who receives ESS ? Citizens of British Columbia who have been displaced from their residence by a disaster or emergency Response workers on assignment during a disaster or emergency Travellers stranded as a result of a disaster
Overview of ESS When is ESS provided? ESS may be provided for incidents ranging from a single family house fire to calamities involving mass evacuation Examples of events in BC involving ESS include: floods urban fires earthquakes oil spills blizzards severe weather landslides and avalanches wildland urban interface fires
How long is ESS provided for? Overview of ESS How long is ESS provided for? ESS is typically available for 72 hours immediately following the start of an event During these first 72 hours, evacuees should immediately plan their next steps by contacting: insurance agents (if relevant) family and friends local non-profit agencies ESS may be extended, in exceptional circumstances, on a case-by-case basis
How is ESS provided? ESS teams assist evacuees at Reception Centres Overview of ESS How is ESS provided? ESS teams assist evacuees at Reception Centres ESS teams may also provide: outreach services for shut-ins Group Lodging (shelter and food) to evacuees during a major event on-site services to response workers and others Level 1 ESS volunteers provide on-site services for small scale incidents (1-2 residences)
What do ESS teams do to prepare? Overview of ESS What do ESS teams do to prepare? Identify facilities suitable for use as Reception Centres and for Group Lodging. Recruit and train volunteers Establish linkages with key local emergency responders and any disaster related non-government organizations Reach agreements with local businesses and services organizations
Roles and Responsibilities Who supports ESS teams? Roles and Responsibilities Local authority PEP Regional Staff Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) ESS Office ESS Support Organizations
Municipal vs. Provincial Roles and Responsibilities Municipal vs. Provincial Through the Emergency Program Act (1996): Local Authorities are responsible for emergency planning and response, including ESS The Provincial Government is responsible for supporting local authorities in this responsibility.
What is the role of Local Authorities? Roles and Responsibilities What is the role of Local Authorities? The local authority is responsible for: Planning and coordination of a local ESS response Specifically, “A local authority must, as part of the local emergency plan prepared by it under section 6 (2) of the Act. Section 2 (3) (f) of the Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation (1995) “Coordinate the provision of food, clothing, shelter, transportation and medical services to victims of emergencies and disasters, whether that provision is made from within or outside of the local authority.”
Roles and Responsibilities What is the role of PEP? The Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) is responsible for: Leadership and overall coordination of BC’s emergency management system Providing a task number and expenditures authority in an emergency (1-800-663-3456) Provides public information about on-going disasters, emergency preparedness and preventive measures Providing WCB and liability coverage for ESS volunteers
Roles and Responsibilities What is the role of the ESS Office? The Provincial Emergency Program’s ESS Office provides provincial level support for local authorities who are responsible for planning, and responding to, emergencies and disaster where short-term emergency social services are required. The ESS Office works alongside other provincial ministries and non-government organizations, to coordinate provincial level resources in support of the delivery of ESS across British Columbia by local authorities. PEP Headquarters and the ESS Office support local authorities by: Funding the ESS training program; Developing provincial policies and procedures; …continued on next slide
Roles and Responsibilities What is the role of the ESS Office? Continued: Providing a framework, including guidelines, standards and best practices, for use by local authorities and the ESS training program; Develop and maintain relationships with ESS Support Organizations; The processing of invoices for lodging, food, clothing and other necessary expenses administered by community ESS teams during an emergency; Providing provincial support during a major disaster; and Negotiating federal and provincial ESS mutual aid in the event of a catastrophic disaster.
What is the role of Support Organizations? Roles and Responsibilities What is the role of Support Organizations? The ESS Office can also arrange additional volunteer support and services from the following ESS Support Organizations: ESS Association - community volunteer support Justice Institute of BC – ESS volunteer training courses The Salvation Army - emotional support and meet & greet services Canadian Disaster Child Care – care and assistance of children affected by disaster BC Housing - warehousing and distribution of cots and blankets for Group Lodging Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Canada - mass feeding operations Canadian Red Cross - Family Reunification Services, operation of the Central Registration & Inquiry Bureau (CRIB)
Key ESS Facts Historical Responses
ESS Responses in BC 1994 - 2007 Total Persons Assisted: 93,874 Key ESS Facts ESS Responses in BC 1994 - 2007 Total Persons Assisted: 93,874 forest fire related 53,810 other (e.g. house fires, apartment fires, power outage, landslides, gas leaks, blizzards, etc) 40,064 Total number of incidents involving ESS: 3,833 forest fire related 43 other (e.g. house fires, apartment fires, 3,790 power outages, floods, landslides gas leaks, blizzards, etc)
Conclusion The success of ESS depends on the ongoing commitment of volunteers and other key stakeholders, and on the support of local, regional and provincial governments.
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