a) Overview of a nitrogen multiple-breath washout measurement in LungSim (NM GmbH); the crosses represent the end-tidal nitrogen concentration per breath, the line indicates 2.5% of the initial nitrogen concentration. a) Overview of a nitrogen multiple-breath washout measurement in LungSim (NM GmbH); the crosses represent the end-tidal nitrogen concentration per breath, the line indicates 2.5% of the initial nitrogen concentration. The y-axis represents the nitrogen concentration (%) on a logarithmic scale (Cet), the x-axis represents the cumulative expiratory volume (CEV). b) Enlargement of the end of the washout curve: lung clearance index (LCI) is calculated at the breath after 2.5% (LCIstandard), or directly at 2.5% using the linear interpolation method (LCIlinear). c) LCI is calculated directly at Cet=2.5% using the fitting-curve method (LCIfit-curve). Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou et al. ERJ Open Res 2018;4:00021-2017 ©2018 by European Respiratory Society