Viewing Journal Issues
Select “Directory” from the top tool bar
Select “Westlaw UK Subscriptions”
Select “Westlaw UK”
Select “Journals”
Select “All”
Select “United Kingdom – Journals and Law Reviews”
This takes you through to the advanced search screen This takes you through to the advanced search screen. Under “Fields” double click on “Citation”
This populates the screen with the Citation field search This populates the screen with the Citation field search. This means you will be restricting your search just to the citation field of the Journal document
In between the parenthesis enter the journal details, e. g In between the parenthesis enter the journal details, e.g. btr stands of British tax review
The Result list shows the citation on the left hand side The Result list shows the citation on the left hand side. Take a note of this format for the issue you want i.e. for issue 2 take down BTR 2006 2
Select “Edit Search”
Using terms and connectors enter your citation in the parenthesis, making sure to use your “&” connector between terms, type in (BTR &2006 & 2)
The results list below displays all the articles for issue 2 which you can now browse through!