Module 1: Unit 2: Lesson 13 Connecting Theme of the Expert Group Myth to a Theme in The Lightning Thief and to Life Lessons
Materials The Lighting Thief NYS Writing Rubric—Row 2 Word Catcher (Unit 2 Lesson 1) Expert Group Myths (from Lesson 12) Evidence flags Chart paper with the Chalk Talk question written in the middle: “How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? Markers (one per student) Exit Ticket: How is mythology important today? Homework: Purpose for Reading—chapter 20
The Lightning Thief Purpose for Reading Chapter 19 To begin our lesson, you should have your novel and homework question ready. As a group, discuss the question you worked on for homework last night. What does the scene in the throne room tell you about the three friends: Annabeth, Grover, and Percy? They have become very close friends, and we know this because they offer themselves in place of Percy’s mother.
Learning Targets I can chose evidence from The Lightning Thief to explain how the theme of the expert group myth is communicated in the novel. I can describe a life lesson that can be learned from my expert group myth. The first two learning targets will help you focus on the important concept of theme. Eventually you will do similar work with the myth of Cronus for your end of unit 2 assessment.
Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? Be sure to have your EXPERT MYTH on your desk for the next part of our lesson. Today you are going to connect your theme of your expert myth with a theme in The Lightning Thief. This will help you to better understand why the author alludes to myths in the novel. As a group, you should be thinking of a theme that you see in The Lightning Thief and your expert myth.
Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? You are going to work in groups to answer this question using Chalk Talk. You will need to cite evidence from The Lightning Thief to support your ideas.
Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? Before we begin Chalk Talk, you will have 5 minutes to think and mark evidence in the novel independently. Remember, you are trying to come up with a theme that is seen in BOTH your expert myth and The Lightning Thief.
Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? “The Story of Medusa and Athena” look in chapter 11. If you find an example of a theme that both stories share, mark that place in the novel with a sticky note. Make a note of what the theme could be.
Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? Remember this is a SILENT discussion. There should be no talking! Instead, you should be writing down your thinking. You can also respond to others’ thinking as well. I should see each person’s thoughts on the chart paper.
What theme do the two myths SHARE? Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? How does a theme in your expert group myth connect to a theme in The Lightning Thief? What theme do the two myths SHARE?
What ideas came up in your group chalk talk discussion? Chalk Talk: How does the theme of your expert group myth connect to The Lightning Thief? What ideas came up in your group chalk talk discussion? How does your expert group myth connect to or relate to The Lightning Thief? This information will be very important later because it will help you to write a paragraph for your analytical essay.
How did your myth connect to The Lightning Thief? Expert Group Discussion: What life lessons can you learn from the theme of your expert group myth? What life lessons can you learn from the theme of your expert group myth? As a group, discuss the answer to this question. You will have 3-4 minutes to discuss. How did your myth connect to The Lightning Thief?
Expert Group Discussion: What life lessons can you learn from the theme of your expert group myth? As a group, you will have 3-4 minutes to discuss this question. Your discussion should focus on your expert group myth. I will now pair you up with a few new students. You will have a chance to discuss the life lessons your group came up with.
HOMEWORK Read chapter 20 Answer the text dependent questions.