Reminders Outliers Vocabulary Unit 9


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Presentation transcript:

Reminders Outliers Vocabulary Unit 9 Reading Schedule – Chaps. 8-9 & Epilogue due Monday! Vocabulary Unit 9 Pic Quiz – today Full Quiz – next Friday, 12/8

Film Clip Friday Philadelphia (1993) See/Feel/Hear/Believe How does the director use space? For what purpose? How does the director communicate that Tom Hanks’ character is the outsider? How does the director characterize… Denzel Washington’s character? Tom Hanks’ character?

Film Director/Film Selection

Argument and Analysis: Two Different Mediums Op-Ed Piece (HW from last night): Reading Purpose: Considering the author’s perspective on success and his version of Goldman Sachs’ definition of success, how has society’s definition of success changed or remained the same? 60 Minutes interview with Greg Smith. Respond to the following questions: What does the video interview reveal that the article does not? What does the article/OP Ed reveal that the video does not?

Vocab Pic Quiz Unit 9 After quiz, read Outliers independently. Chaps. 8,9, & Epilogue are due Monday.