Addressing the key elements behind successful instructions Hard-Core How-to Addressing the key elements behind successful instructions Source: Technical Communication Today, Richard Johnson-Sheehan
Planning Questions Who might use these instructions? Why are these instructions needed? What should the instructions include? Where will the instructions be used? When will the instructions be used? How will the instructions be used?
Addressing cross-cultural concerns Translate the text Use basic English Use icons carefully Check meanings of names and slogans
Research Elements Do background research Make observations Ask subject matter experts Use your senses Describe motion and change Collect Visuals
Introduction content elements State the purpose State the importance of the task Describe the necessary technical ability Identify the time required for completion Motivate the reader
Preparation elements List the parts required Identify tools needs Specify special conditions Discuss general hazards
Writing effective steps Use command voice State one action per step when possible Keep the steps concise Add trouble-shooting advice, notes, or tips Provide feedback Refer to the graphics
Safety information should… Describe the hazard State the seriousness of the hazard Explain how to avoid injury or damage
Conclusion elements Signal completion of the task Describe the finished product Offer troubleshooting advice For more information… Bibliography Cut list Glossary Clean-up and use Maintanence