UNIT 11- COLD WAR ERA- TEST TOMORROW Please take a couple minutes to look over your review sheet and fill in 2, 3, 5 on your Unit Summary…. For tomorrow: Organize binders in order (these notes should be used to study) Self assess “Shen PRIDE” You may want to bring Regents review book tomorrow to start next review packet if you’ve time Will collect crossword tomorrow
Important people…
Regents Questions Isolationism to CONTAINMENT (examples) McCarthyism at home (examples) Economic growth in 50s- GI Bill, baby boom, suburbs Warren Court- rights of accused Civil disobedience- examples (Civil rights movement)
Rules for the Pyramid Game: Two people will give clues and two will be guessing the answers No form of the word can be used in the clues No rhyming – must use real clues You can skip a word and come back to it You have two minutes to complete the pyramid Scoring: Bottom Row – 100 each Second Row – 200 each Top - 500 Bonus Points: Under 1 minute 30 seconds: 750 points 2 minutes: 500 points All decisions of the judge are final
Affirmative Action Miranda (v. Arizona) The “U-2 Incident” Iron Curtain Sit-ins Berlin Airlift
Eisenhower Interstate Feminism (Chief Justice) Earl Warren Baby Boom Marshall Plan segregation Eisenhower Interstate System
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution McCarthyism Peace Corps Containment Sputnik Guerilla Warfare
GI Bill Hollywood Ten Brinksmanship Domino Theory Malcolm X Korean War
Little Rock 9 “Blacklist” Civil Disobedience suburbs NATO Civil Rights Act (1964)
War Powers Act Brown v. Board of Education Freedom Riders Cuban Missile Crisis Black Panthers Truman Doctrine