Next Generation Media Training Presented to Fratelli Branca July 20, 2017
7 Traits of the Savvy Spokesperson Uses multiple channels well Responds rapidly Tells stories Creates a character Adapts to different audiences Performs well on camera Manages attacks effectively
3 Steps to Successful Interviews Manage the opportunity Prepare for the interview Conduct the interview
Think Like a Reporter
Think Like a Reporter Information… …Trends… …Perspective
What They Really Want… Soundbites & Quotes!
Nuggets About 7 seconds long Stands on its own Sums up your message
− Cigar & Spirits magazine
O’Connor describes acquavit to unfamiliar consumers as the “Scandinavian cousin to gin.” − Artisan Spirit magazine
“Three sips of Fernet-Branca and you’re family!”
Preparing Your Messages 5 Key Tips Focus on 3-4 key points, prepare to repeat them often Think from the audience’s point of view Anticipate questions and write your answers Start with your conclusion Prepare “nuggets”
Key Message Worksheet Overall message/headline_______________ Stories, analogies, examples____________________ Question I don’t want to answer_________________
3 Steps to Successful Interviews Manage the opportunity Prepare for the interview Conduct the interview
Conducting Interviews
Conducting Interviews Never say “No Comment” Always tell the Truth Stick to your Game Plan
Conducting Interviews Use the “strip-tease” method Use the K.I.S.S. method and avoid jargon Don’t blame, speculate or criticize If you don’t know, say so, and offer to find out
Mark Twain “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
Conducting Interviews Be passionate, but sincere Talk quickly, but clearly Listen for misstatements or errors Never speak “off the record”
Conducting Interviews “Bridging” “What’s most important to note is …” “The real issue here is …” “I can’t speculate on that, but I can tell you …” “What people really care about is …” “Let’s put this in context…”
Conducting Interviews Negative Questions Don’t restate it! Be careful with denials “Bridge” to a positive statement “I’m not wacko.” ~Mariah Carey
3 Magic Words To the contrary…
Conducting Interviews Redirecting “I’m not the best one to answer that, but I will have [name] call you” “That’s a better question for [name]” “You really should ask [name] about that, but I can tell you…”
Phone Interviews Establish rapport at the outset Diction, volume and pace are especially important Engage the interviewer with questions and discussion Be sure to explain slides or background materials Listen very carefully
Performing on Camera
TV Techniques Think SOUNDBITE! Look at the reporter, not the camera, unless being interviewed remotely Speak quickly, but don’t rush Vary your pace Be animated and lively Most of all… 25
Mannerisms to Avoid “uuhhmss” and “ahs” “You know” Weaving back and forth or leaning Facial mannerisms Playing with things
Dressing for TV Success Dress for the story, your brand and your personality Lean toward conservative styles Solid colors are best: reds, blues, grays – avoid greens, stripes & plaids Keep jewelry to a minimum
A Few Final TV Tips Put Vaseline on your lips and teeth Use the reporter’s name It’s OK to use notes with a FEW bullets PRACTICE! Remember, the camera is always ON!
Manage the opportunity Prepare your messages and practice Recap Manage the opportunity Prepare your messages and practice Conduct the interview
You Will Be A Media Star!