SC Launch Investment Pitch Outline Company/Title Page/Ask Problem Solution Business Model Market Overview Competitive Advantage Key Milestones Financials Team Benefit/Impact to SC 20 Minutes Presentation Pro Forma and Q&A, 10 Minutes
OPENING SLIDE Title Slide Name, Date, URL, Company Logo and Contact Information Purpose in presenting (Options: Company Update, Client Company, ASAP, PDF, AG and or SBIR/STTR) Be sure to include your company logo!
Problem Please provide a specific definition of the problem, it’s scale and severity Very briefly mention who has this problem (ie: key market segment) Please touch on current solution(s) and their key shortcomings
Solution Please briefly describe the solution What is compelling/superior about it How is it unique or highly differentiated from existing solutions What is its current state of development
Business Model How does the product get to the customer (route to market) Revenue path -- one-time sale, recurring revenue, combination Who else will expect to make margin in route to the customer purchase (ie: distributors) Do the pro forma financials reflect wholesale or finished product / service revenues and costs
Market Overview Global market potential and regional breakdown with history and growth forecast Please highlight the initial market segment and size/growth forecast Note any endorsements, certifications, federal or state approvals needed to enter or excel in the market space Please note and special or unusual circumstances, if any, that create a window of opportunity
Competitive Advantage Please provide a qualitative/quantitative comparison to substitutes or competitive alternatives If applicable, has a Freedom to Operate analysis been conducted Please highlight key barriers to entry Please highlight product/service defensibility and status
Key Milestones What key milestones already achieved Next key milestones to either commercialization or later funding round Budget and timing to achieve
Financials SC Launch Pro forma (please note the first 1-2 years are about expected financial results while later years are more about potential) Key points are timing and financials to break even Appendix slides such as prospective customer acquisition timing and size, unit cost analysis, customer acquisition and lifetime value analysis, competitor size and growth rates make the financial case stronger Need for capital and capital paid in to date are key components of the proforma
Team Many teams are in development so its OK to show team today (and can include part timers) and to have placeholders for the remainder of the team you hope to fill (or are seeking) Picture and highlight background of team members and advisors very useful 5/4/2019
Benefit/SC Impact What benefits to society if any would occur If applicable, please highlight current or prospective ties or linkages to major industries, organizations or initiatives in SC including its universities or tech schools In the financial proforma please take care to complete the jobs section and to highlight any you wish What is the probability/propensity of the company to need and to attract funding outside any contemplated by SC Launch, Inc. Other benefits 5/4/2019