RESIDENTS‘ RESPONSE TO SAFETY AND SECURITY ISSUES IN INFORMAL GROUPS AUTHORS: ASJA BABIČ and PATRICIJA LUNEŽNIK II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Residents‘ response to safety and security questions FORMAL INFORMAL Groups that have a special function, is formally determined by rules and formal management, police, members of the local community, mayor and the media. Without formal leadership and organization, considered of interest, friendly, supportive and a virtual group family, friends, acquaintances. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Literature review Family and friends have dominated the role of social support to help people to control a lifetime situation. Walen in Lachman (2000): there is a difference, whether social support comes from the family, partner or friends. The family represents the fundamental sense of security and provides assistance. Ferrari, Harriott and Zimmerman (1999): people, who do not get support and trust in a family circle are looking for it in a circle of friends. also since humans are social beings, we are searching for informal relationships, trust and support even at workplaces within co-workers. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Literature review Antonucci (1985): gender and age affect different perceptions of social support. The biggest difference is observed in young families, because they are more introverted. Informal response is the most common way of responding to safety and security issues. They are passive and likely to remain at the level of discussion within the immediate family social circle. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
If there comes a security issue in the municipality, how do you respond to it? Never Very often I talk about it with my family I talk about it with my friends I talk about it with my co-workers II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Analysis of the response of the residents - 2011 and 2017 µ talk about with their family (3,92) talk about with their friends (3,74) talk about with their co- workers(3,12) The response on security problems: They talk about it with their family They talk about it with their co-workers They talk about it with their friends N Valid 2217 2195 2212 Missing 10 32 15 Mean 3,92 3,12 3,74 Median 4,00 3,00 Mode 5 3 4 Standard deviation 1,08 1,22 0,99 Minimum 1 Maximum M talk about with their family (4) talk about with their friends (4) talk about with their co- workers (3) Mo talk about with their family (5) talk about with their friends (4) talk about with their co- workers(3) σ talk about with their friends(0,99) talk about with their family (1,08) talk about with their co- workers (1,22) II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Cumulative percentage % The response on safety and security problems – They talk about it with their family Frequency Percentages % Valid percentages % Cumulative percentage % Valid Never 83 3,7 Sometimes 134 6,0 9,8 Less often 483 21,7 21,8 31,6 Often 695 31,2 31,3 62,9 Very often 822 36,9 37,1 100,0 Total 2217 99,6 Missing 99 10 0,4 2227 II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Cumulative percentage % The response on safety and security problems – They talk about it with their co-workers Frequency Percentages % Valid percentages % Cumulative percentage % Valid Never 309 13,9 14,1 Sometimes 316 14,2 14,4 28,5 Less often 660 29,6 30,1 58,5 Often 628 28,2 28,6 87,2 Very often 282 12,7 12,8 100,0 Total 2195 98,6 Missing 99 32 1,4 2227 II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Cumulative percentage % The response on safety and security problems – They talk about it with their friends Frequency Percentages % Valid percentages % Cumulative percentage % Valid Never 59 2,6 2,7 Sometimes 162 7,3 10,0 Less often 596 26,8 26,9 36,9 Often 864 38,8 39,1 76,0 Very often 531 23,8 24,0 100,0 Total 2212 99,3 Missing 99 15 0,7 2227 II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
A comparison between 2011 and 2017 They talk about it with co-workers: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Year 2011 12,6% 16,7% 31,1% 26,5% 13,1% 2017 15,2% 29,3% 30,2% 12,7% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of gender on responding to safety and security problems They talk about it with the family: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Gender Male 3,3% 7,6% 24,3% 33,7% 31,1% Female 4,0% 4,7% 19,6% 29,3% 42,3% MALE – OFTEN (33,7%) FEMALE – VERY OFTEN (42,3 %) II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of gender on responding to safety and security problems They talk about it with their co-workers: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Gender Male 10,6% 15,5% 32,6% 29,8% 11,5% Female 17,1% 13,4% 27,9% 27,6% 14,0% MALE – never 10,6% FEMALE – never 17,1 % II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of age to response on safety and security problems They talk about it with their family: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Age 18-30 3,9% 8,9% 23,0% 30,3% 34,0% 31-45 3,0% 4,6% 20,5% 35,6% 36,3% 46-60 3,4% 4,4% 20,3% 32,2% 39,7% 61- 4,8% 5,9% 23,2% 26,4% 39,6% 18-30 age– very often 34,0 % 31-45 age– very often 36,3 % 46-60 age– very often 39,7 % 61 – age – very often 39,6 % II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of age on response to safety and security problems They talk about it with their co-workers: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Age 18-30 11,5% 20,9% 32,0% 24,2% 11,4% 31-45 7,4% 12,0% 32,2% 34,2% 14,2% 46-60 8,7% 12,3% 29,5% 34,1% 9,8% 61- 10,5% 24,9% 20,6% 15,5% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of age on response to safety and security problems They talk about it with their friends: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Age 18-30 2,3% 6,4% 25,5% 39,3% 26,5% 31-45 2,1% 7,1% 26,7% 42,0% 22,1% 46-60 6,7% 27,0% 41,1% 23,0% 61- 4,6% 9,8% 29,1% 32,5% 24,0% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of education on response to safety and security problems They talk about it with their family: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Education Unfinished primary school 6,7% 46,7% 33,3% primary school 8,0% 5,2% 21,1% 26,3% 39,4% Middle school education 3,5% 6,6% 22,7% 31,7% 35,5% High school 2,7% 7,7% 21,6% 35,1% 32,9% College education 2,9% 4,4% 20,2% 32,0% 40,5% Specialization, master degree 0,0% 5,6% 16,9% 32,4% 45,1% PhD 20,0% 40,0% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of education on response to safety and security problems They talk about it with their co- workers: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Education Unfinished primary school 33,3% 13,3% 46,7% 0,0% 6,7% Primary school 38,3% 16,0% 21,8% 7,8% Middle school education 13,8% 32,2% 28,2% 12,5% High school 9,0% 11,7% 29,7% 36,9% 12,6% College education 7,7% 15,6% 30,5% Specialization, master degree 1,4% 18,3% 23,9% 42,3% 14,1% PhD 5,0% 25,0% 55,0% 15,0% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of education on response to safety and security problems They talk about it with their friends: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Education Unfinished primary school 6,7% 0,0% 53,3% 26,7% 13,3% Primary school 5,6% 9,6% 29,6% 31,2% 24,0% Middle school education 2,5% 7,6% 27,4% 38,9% 23,7% High school 4,1% 6,8% 24,3% 42,3% 22,5% College education 1,5% 6,4% 25,1% 41,6% 25,3% Specialization, master degree 4,2% 45,1% 28,2% PhD 35,0% 45,0% 20,0% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
The impact of size of the settlement to response on safety and security problems They talk about it with their co-workers: Never Sometimes Less often Often Very often Size of the settlement House, hamlet, small village 13,4% 12,0% 32,1% 30,7% 11,8% Countryside 13,6% 18,3% 28,6% 27,0% 12,6% Suburb 14,4% 13,7% 30,4% 24,6% 17,0% City (center) 12,9% 29,7% 31,4% 11,6% II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
CONCLUSION Informal circles are very important for every individual, the individual's response to safety and security issues varies according to factors: The greatest deviation is observed in education (higher education - they talk about it more with their families than those with lower ones); Younger generations are less likely to talk about safety and security issues with their families than middle-aged or older generation. The influence of social environment, the acceptance of the individual into the group-relations. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018