Email: - Newsletter Bizzy Bears Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 Email: - Follow us on facebook Pre-School Newsletter January 2019 Spring Term A very Happy New Year to all our families. We would also like to welcome the new children and their parents who have joined Bizzy Bears this term. This half term we will be following the children’s interests and incorporating these into our weekly planning. Wow Moments We are so pleased with the children’s progress that they have already made at Bizzy Bears. When we see the children doing something we are proud of, we make an observation on Tapestry. We are aware that the children also do a lot of learning at home and we would love to hear from you when you see then doing something that makes you proud. As well as putting it onto Tapestry, we now have ‘Wow moment cards’. If you see your child doing something Wow then write it down and bring it in to share with us. An example (Maisie put her shoes on by herself). The Wow moments cards will be in each changing room. Thank you for your help, we look forward to reading them. Records It is extremely important that your child’s records are kept fully up to date. Please inform us of any changes of address or contact numbers. Policy of the month We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that Bizzy Bears follows. To familiarise parents/carers with our policies this term we shall be focusing on one policy per month. This month it is E safety policy. A copy of this policy is displayed on the parents notice board in the corridor, in the policy book which is in the changing room and on our website. We can also email parents a copy if requested. Cold weather As the weather is turning colder please can we ask that all children bring in a named coat, hat and gloves as the children still enjoy accessing the garden. We encourage the children to wear our outdoor clothing, but our supply of hat and gloves is limited. Can we also remind parents that children are requested to change into an indoor pair of shoes at the beginning of their session this helps us to keep the indoor environment clean for the children to play.
Tuesday 15th January- Deadline for Primary school admissions Baby Bizzy Bear To enable the children to share their news from home, we have put together a take home Bizzy Bear which the children can take home, play and have some adventures with. Please can we ask that you help your child to draw a picture, take a photograph or upload a photograph onto your child’s Tapestry profile, so that they can share their adventure with us at Preschool. Baby Bizzy Bear will be going home and beginning his adventures from this week! Open door policy At Bizzy Bears we have an open door policy, we welcome all parents/grandparents/carer’s into our setting. You can come along any morning or afternoon between 9.00am-11.00am and 12.30pm-1.30pm, join us as we build models, make playdough creations, look at books and play games. You don’t have to stay the whole session perhaps 10 minutes when you are dropping off your child. The children enjoy this special time and it gives you an opportunity to experience Preschool life from your child’s perspective. Please let a member of staff know if you would like to join us. Severe Weather In the unlikely event that Bizzy Bears has to remain closed due to severe weather conditions, we will post this information on our Facebook page and on our Preschool website Mobile telephones As part of our Safeguarding procedures please may we remind parents and visitors to the Preschool not to access their mobile phones whilst in the building. Please can we also ask that all calls are terminated before picking up your child. School Admissions If your child turns 4 before 31st August 2019 its time to apply for their primary school place. To help you make this decision you can visit schools on open evenings and read school prospectuses. You can make your application and find helpful tips and information online at /admissions, or you can apply online at any Northamptonshire County Council library(there will be no charge for using the computers to complete your application or for accessing the emails regarding your school application). You can also apply by post by downloading a form from and returning it to school admissions. The deadline for applications is Tuesday 15th January 2019 at 5pm. . Thank you We would like to say a big thank you to those parents who came in and helped preparing food for our Christmas party. A great time was had by all! Emergency Procedure Bizzy Bears Pre-school is required to draw up an emergency procedure which is to be followed in the event of an incident within Pre-school hours where we have to vacate the building and are unable to return. To make all parents/carers aware the staff and children will walk the short distance to St Andrews school, Ecton Brook road, Ecton Brook 01604 406486 where parents/carers will be contacted and asked to collect their children. Dates for your diary Tuesday 15th January- Deadline for Primary school admissions Friday 15th February – Pre school closes for half term Monday 25th February – Preschool opens