American History Jeopardy! Ms. Carinna’s 5th grade class
Foundational Documents Three Branches of Government Citizen Rights, Responsibilities and Privileges States and Capitols Political Leaders 100 200 400 500
This Document was adopted on July 4th, 1776 and involved Great Britain What is….
What is the… Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in Pennsylvania on July 4th, 1776. This declared that the Thirteen Colonies would regard themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states, no longer under British rule.
This Document is the supreme law of the United States What is….
What is the… United States Constitution The U.S. Constitution is seven articles that create the national frame of Government. The first three articles explain the doctrine of Separation of Powers, while Articles four through six embody the concepts of federalism. The seventh and final article of the Constitution is the procedure to ratify, or change, the constitution.
This Document is an act of Parliament that outlines basic civil rights What is….
What is the… English Bill of Rights The English Bill of Rights was written and established in 1689 and outlined certain basic civil rights that would become important to American History. The Bill of Rights also sets limits on the powers of the monarch and sets out the rights of Parliament. These rights included free elections, freedom of speech, and a regularly meeting parliament.
This Document was first written in 1215 and was a Peace Treaty What is….
What is the… Magna Carta The Magna Carta was a charter of rights agreed to by King John of England to make peace between the king and a group of rebel barons. It promised protection of church rights, protection from illegal imprisonment and many other rights. This is the foundation for many American Rights Documents.
Which Branch Houses the U.S. Supreme Court? What is….
What is… The Judicial Branch The Judicial Branch consists of the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Judicial Center. This court is reserved for cases that “inferior courts” are not comfortable ruling upon.
Who is in charge of the executive branch?
Who is…. The President This branch of government is run by the President and his advisors and various departments and agencies.
This Branch of Government is in charge of Creating laws and declaring war What is….
What is… The Legislative Branch This branch of government is made up of the House and Senate, known collectively as the Congress. The legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies.
Which Branch is Responsible for Enforcing the Federal Laws? What is….
What is… The Executive Branch The Executive Branch is responsibly for enforcing the laws of the land. This branch of government is run by the President and his advisors and various departments and agencies..
This Right is beneficial when you are accused of a crime What is….
What is… The Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury
This is your bi-annual duty as a citizen What is….
What is… voting in elections/Participating in the democratic process
These are the original three rights What is….
What is… “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”
Arguably the most important responsibility of any citizen What is….
What is… Supporting and Defending the Constitution
The Capitol of this state is Little Rock What Is….
What is…. Arkansas
The capitol of Idaho What Is….
What is…. Boise, Idaho
the first state of Modern U.S. What Is….
What is…. Delaware
Number of the state of Vermont What Is….
What is…. Fifteen
First President of America Who Is… First President of America
Who is… George Washington
Wrote the Emancipation Proclamation Who Is… Wrote the Emancipation Proclamation
Who is… Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson was president during this war What Is…
What is… World war one
This president served four terms in office Who Is…
Who is… Franklin D. Roosevelt