Directions: Interactive Notebook Trim your completed maps Tape or glue them onto the left side of your notebook. Answer the questions for each map on the right side of your notebook.
Map #1: Answer Key EQ: How and why have the borders of Asia changed over time? EQ: How do you think the political borders of Asia relate to cultural and linguistic differences?
Map #2: Regional Map EQ: What is Eurasia and should it constitute as a part of Asia or be its own continent? EQ: How might regional areas reflect cultures in Asia?
Map #3: Physical Map EQ: What do natural resources have to do with conflict? EQ: How have physical boundaries manifested into cultural differences throughout the Asian continent?
Map #4: Asian Cities EQ: How has physical geography and religion impacted the rise of cities in Asia? EQ: How has geography impacted the development of Asian cities?
Map #5: Religious EQ: Where can you infer that there have been religious conflicts in Asia? EQ: Why have religious differences led to conflict in Asia?