Launching the New Government Washington Adams Jefferson-Louisiana Purchase Manifest Destiny Madison- War of 1812 Monroe doctrine
Washington as President The Whiskey Rebellion The French Revolution Political Parties John Adams Alien and Sedition Acts
The Whiskey Rebellion Government needed money so they put a tax on whiskey Farmers out west were upset because they made whiskey out of their extra wheat and refused to pay it Tax was lowered and most paid except some farmers in Pennsylvania Troops were sent to crush rebellion showing power of the federal government
The French Revolution French people revolt against the king A great crusade for democracy Revolutionary government started slashing peoples heads off killing 20,000 men woman and children Government warned country to beware of what was happening
Question What effect could the French Revolution have on America?
Political Parties Federalists and Democratic-Republicans Two political parties believed different ideas causing problems in government like today Alexander Hamilton – Secretary of treasury Thomas Jefferson- Secretary of State
Questions? How could having 2 different political Parties in power cause a problem in government? Does this problem happen today? How/how not?
John Adams Became president in 1796 winning by 3 votes Thomas Jefferson vice president Nations top two leaders from two different parties
Alien and Sedition Acts Set a length of time for immigrants to become citizens Allowed immigrants to be jailed or deported if they were stirring up trouble Made sedition ( Encouraging rebellion against the government) illegal
Questions Are immigrants treated the same way today as back then? Explain.
Louisiana Purchase How should America obtain land in Louisiana Territory? How did the Louisiana Purchase change the size of the United States?
Background Farmers use Mississippi river and port of New Orleans to get/move goods Land owned by France American Farmers were afraid that the French would shut down use of Mississippi river and port of New Orleans leaving no water way out of us for the western countries
Background Cont’d President Jefferson sent Robert Livingston and James Monroe to France to buy New Orleans for up to 10 million. Napoleon (Leader of France) first says no, then changes his mind and sells us all of France’s territory for 15 million dollars
Importance Doubles size of America Control of major port for trade Starts ideas of Manifest Destiny
Questions? Why is it important for the United States to gain a major world port?
Lewis and Clark President Jefferson wanted to explore newly bought lands and sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to travel lands, where they kept detailed journals and maps of area helping America learn more about western life. Helped by Native American named Sacagawea
Louisiana Purchase What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition? What was accomplished?
War of 1812 America and Britain disagreed about border of America and Canada. In addition Britain was seizing American Navy boats and forcing sailors to serve in British navy called impressment.
War of 1812 Cont’d America stopped British from invading. America won key battles including Battle of New Orleans which was led by military hero Andrew Jackson. No real winner but showed the world America could defend itself and succeed in the world.
Manifest Destiny - It is the obvious fate of our country to posses the whole of the continent
Question Explain Manifest Destiny in your own words?
Monroe Doctrine President James Monroe (5th President) wanted to help Latin American nations with there problems with Spain He created a policy called the Monroe Doctrine stating that North and South America were now closed to future colonization Final establishment of America as a strong and confident nation It is the obvious fate of our country to posses the whole of the continent- Manifest Destiny
Question Is this document and claim really a good idea for America?