BASIN-PLAN-IN-CONFIDENCE 22/09/2010 Current Thinking on draft Basin Plan Place holder ahead of presentations. 4 October 2011
The Basin - A Long History Murray Darling Basin Commission 1987 COAG Agreement 2008 National Water Initiative and The Living Murray First Step 2004 Constitution 1901 1990’s Cap on Diversions and Water markets 2010 Guide to the proposed Basin Plan 2007 Commonwealth Water Act and Murray-Darling Basin Authority 1914 River Murray Commission 1901 2010
What we heard Reform is needed - manage the Basin as a whole, recognising uniqueness of regions Better recognise the social, cultural & economic role of the Basin Need to recognise past effort and understand the potential impacts of water reform Many different views on how to achieve balance and the scale of change required Concerns about practical use of environmental water and whether it can be physically delivered. Concerns about effects of buy backs on communities
The Central Task
What has changed since the Guide? Improved baseline More robust modeling 7 year transition – progressive implementation SDLs in 2019 2015 review point Adaptive management Localism – placing communities and local knowledge at the heart of the solutions
How much more environmental water? Current thinking (baseline year 2009): Basin wide 2,800 GL/y (long-term average) However: since 2009; 890 GL recovered (March 2011) Therefore by 2019: a little over 1,900 GL to be recovered in 2 phases SDLs set at catchment scale I would like to emphasise that these numbers represent our current thinking and knowledge, and we are currently undertaking further modelling and analysis to look at volumes both above and below 2,800 GL
Recovery of environmental water FINAL SUSTAINABLE DIVERSION LIMITS 850 GL/Y RECOVERED (TLM) 890 GL/Y RECOVERED (buy-back) POTENTIAL TO DECREASE SDL CURRENT DIVERSIONS POTENTIAL TO INCREASE SDL Consumptive Water 1995 CAP beginning of sustainability 2004 National Water Initiative commences 2009 2012 Basin Plan adopted 2015 Basin Plan checkpoint 2019 Basin Plan fully Enforced sustainable Diversion Limits(need to be met)
Commence review and amend SDL Review WQSMP, EWP, and impacts An Adaptive Plan 1,900GL 995 GL 995 GL ± a ± b - c ± d Water recovery Water buyback irrigation efficiency (a) Works and measures qp Commence review and amend SDL Review WQSMP, EWP, and impacts (b) New information qp New lines of evidence (c) Optimising river operations q (d) Monitoring and evaluation qp 2012 2015 2017 2019
State plans consistent with Basin Plan Basin Plan Pathway Take Stock 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 REVIEW SDLs in light of (a) Infrastructure (b) Localism (c) Windsor rules review (d) New Knowledge BASIN PLAN BASIN PLAN COMMENCES (a) Long term EWP (2012) (b) Salinity targets (2012) (c) Trading rules (2013/14) (d) Monitoring & Evaluation (2012) Amend Basin Plan if needed SDL’s Commence Interim or transitional State plans ... State plans consistent with Basin Plan STATE PLANS ... are revised and accredited in line with BP 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
What’s next for the proposed Basin Plan? is subject to parliamentary scrutiny Explanatory notes – a plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan A healthy Working Basin Minimum 20 week Public consultation Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council Commonwealth Water Minister Basin Plan Becomes Law Draft Basin Plan Basin Plan is continually refined and improved
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