DMMHA Replacement Housing Proposal Presentation on Proposed Replacement Housing Factor Fund October 25, 2010
History of 5h Homeownership Program HUD approval of original 5h plan on 9/22/92 HUD approval of amendment (narrative revisions) to 5h plan on 6/22/95 HUD approval of amendment (programmatic revisions) to 5h plan on 5/31/00. This is the plan the department currently operates off of MHGB approval of current 5h plan on 2/21/00 by roll call
Definition of Replacement Housing Factor Funds The Replacement Housing Factor (RHF) is a Public Housing development fund from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) available as a result of the sale of the Des Moines Municipal Housing Agency (DMMHA) scattered site housing units These funds can only be used to develop or acquire new public housing units or the funding must be returned to HUD. This is a fund separate from the Affordable Housing Development Fund.
Definition of Need The Polk County Housing Continuum (PCHC), the City of Des Moines Consolidated Plan and Des Moines Municipal Housing Agency show that there is a need for: Affordable Housing units Larger bedroom units within the Public Housing inventory (3 and 4 bedrooms) Eliminating blighted Public Housing units
Proposed Plan Construction of ten (10) to twenty (20) single family homes to be located on existing property owned by the Agency over 5 years. Demolish the most blighted Agency owned properties (5h and Disposition) Construct new single family homes with two (2) to four (4) bedrooms, one (1) to one and a half (1 ½) baths, unfinished basement and/or a single car garage. These replacement houses shall complement the existing housing stock within their respective neighborhoods and be Energy Star rated. The Agency will strive to have no more than two (2) Public Housing homes within a four block radius. (De-concentration)
Supportive Services Occupants would need to meet HUD and DMMHA Public Housing admissions policies and guidelines. The intent of this supportive services portion of the proposal is to transition families to self-sufficiency - Cannot require participation Example of some supportive services offerings are: Daycare support to attend classes or job training courses Emergency financial support related to transportation needs (personal vehicle repairs, bus vouchers, etc.) Dependents that need tutoring supportive services to be at or above grade level Continuing education/Job training (GED, Associates Degree, Skilled Trade training or similar professional development program) Personal financial management classes Home care/preventative maintenance classes Other supportive services based on individual needs of family
Proposed Demolition Properties
th Street
430 Orchard St.
1333 Mondamin Ave.
1431 Stewart St.
1248 McCormick St
3308/3310 Kinsey Ave.
1817 Capitol Ave.
314 Indiana Ave.
th St.
1525/1527 E 33 rd St.
106 Astor St.
Rescission from 5(h) Staff is recommending that the following properties be rescinded from the 5(h) program and placed in Disposition: 1325 College AvenueWard I 1533 Jefferson AvenueWard II 2403 Payne RoadWard I 1513 Jefferson AvenueWard II th StreetWard I
Next Steps Approvals from HUD In order to move forward the DMMHA must apply for and receive approval from HUD to: Convert remaining properties from 5(h) to Disposition Demolish blighted properties Begin development plan for construction Hold public hearings regarding the above changes to the Agency Plan
Key Dates Estimated Timeline November, 2010Proposal review (Polk County Housing Continuum), MHGB approval, Site Plan Pre- Application (Community Development.) November, 2010Public Meetings December, 2010Public Meetings February, 2011 Finalize Development Plan, MHGB Approval HUD Submittal – Development Plan July, 2011RFP Issuance/approval (MHGB) April, 2012Construction Commences January, 2013Construction Completed/Accepted (MHGB), Construction Accepted (HUD)
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