Working in Europe to Connect Talent Development in Higher Education CoTalent - project introduction
CoTalent project partners CoTalent - project introduction
CoTalent - project introduction CoTalent people CoTalent - project introduction
Europe cannot afford to lose talent Project baseline Europe cannot afford to lose talent CoTalent - project introduction
CoTalent - project introduction Project baseline The overall aim of this project is to help talented young people reach their full potential so they can positively contribute to solutions of societal problems and challenges, and help keep Europe competitive. We therefore need to systemize the way in which we challenge students to develop their talent while in higher education. The best way to handle this problem is to better equip teachers. CoTalent - project introduction
CoTalent - project introduction CoTalent Wizard We are building the CoTalent Wizard, which consists of three instruments: 1. The MeTalent Mirror helps teachers to self-evaluate and develop their views towards talent development; 2. The YouTalent Spotter helps teachers to spot talented students; 3. The CoTalent e-Library provides a basis to implement a research-based talent development program in higher education institutions. CoTalent - project introduction
CoTalent - project introduction Principles We directly aim at teachers, who are thus equipped to better educate talented students. To address both target groups most effectively, our intellectual outputs are made in co-creation between teachers and talented students Open access CoTalent - project introduction
Co-creation to set the bar CoTalent - project introduction
Meeting, working and networking CoTalent - project introduction
Where we are in the project First presentation to the outside world! Long way to go from here MeTalent YouTalent Event 2, 21-22 November 2019, Münster (Germany) CoTalent Wizard Event, 11-12 June 2020, Groningen (Netherlands) CoTalent - project introduction
MeTalent YouTalent mini-conference You will be the first to see and use versions 1.0 of our products MeTalent Mirror and YouTalent Spotter You will exchange with people from around Europe interested in talent development in higher education Three keynotes shed light on different aspects of talent spotting, talent development and talent education We appreciate your feedback at any time! CoTalent - project introduction