Cold War Effects Pre-IB World History
Second Red Scare 1947-1957 Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Joseph McCarthy McCarthyism List of 57 communists in the State Department Ends in his downfall.
Daily Life Nuclear Threat Interstate Highway System Eastern Europe Bomb Shelters Duck-n-Cover Drills Interstate Highway System Eastern Europe Children attended schools learning Marx & Lenin. Long lines for food Crowded public transportation
Espionage Spies on both sides Sometimes double agents. Dangerous- if caught it resulted in execution or prison. USSR used spies from Britain to spy in Britain “Cambridge Five” As a result of these spies, British spies in the USSR were caught and punished. British Intelligence announced there were 120 Soviet Spies operating in Britain. Oleg Lyalin- KGB officer turned to the British. (1971) Michael Bettany turned information over to the Russians but then was turned in by KGB agent, Oleg Gordievsky (1984).
U-2 Plane Could fly 13 miles above the ground and out of missile & jet capability and had a good enough camera to gather information. Found US had superior nuclear capabilities May 1960, Soviets shot down a U-2 Spy Plane. Soviets claim they captured spy but US denies. Soviets produce picture. Francis Gary Powers was captured- Sentenced to 10 years in prison (served less than 2) Video