Learning Team Administrative Burden reduction for citizens Proceedings John Kootstra Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations The Netherlands
Outline Background Goal Approach Participation Output Conclusions
Background Increasing political attention for AB reduction, but citizen’s focus lacks Need for informal co-operation on this issue Appeal for horizontal co-operation within EUPAN network
Goal To look into methodologies to benchmark, bench learn and exchange European best practices in the field of reducing administrative burdens for citizens with special focus on high impact administrative burdens Exchange experience and gain practical knowledge to measure burdens and to identify possible improvements and actions for simplification
Approach Identifying methods to measure AB citizens (quantitative and qualitative way) Selection high impact services and methodologies for national pilots Comparing services Drawing lessons for improving service delivery and reducing administrative burden
Approach (continued) Learning team open for members EUPAN working groups and AB experts from countries Active participation members Chairmanship rotates each meeting, continuity in secretariat Four meetings tentatively planned.
Participation 18 countries, Europe wide
Output Report on national approaches (presented) Inventory of methods and appreciation (sept) Manual of SCM citizens (sept) Pilots (commitment UK, B, F, NL)
Conclusions AB citizens often not specific goal Aspect of broader AB programme different heading: e.g. simplification, modernisation AB citizens hardly measured Egovernment closely related to AB Importance to connect quantitative objectives to perceived improvements Need for SCM citizens manual
Thank you for your attention Questions?? John.kootstra@minbzk.nl