BPV XI Committee Organization BPV XI Standards Committee Special Working Group on Nuclear Plant Aging Management Executive Committee Special Working Group on Reliability and Integrity Management Program Working Group on General Requirements Special Working Group on Editing and Review Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination Subgroup on Water Cooled Systems Subgroup on Evaluation Standards Subgroup on Repair/Replacement Activities Working Group on Inspection of Systems and Components Working Group on Procedure Qualification and Volumetric Examination Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria Working Group on Design and Programs Working Group on Risk-Informed Activities Working Group on Flaw Evaluation Working Group on Personnel Qualification and Surface, Visual, and Eddy Current Examination Working Group on Welding and Special Repair Processes Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation Working Group on Containment Working Group on Pressure Testing
ASME Section XI Division 1: Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Light-Water-Cooled Plants (2010 Edition with the 2011 Addenda) Division 2: Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Gas-Cooled Plants (1992 Edition with the 1993 Addenda) Division 3: Rules for Inspection and Testing of Components of Liquid-Metal-Cooled Plants (2001 Edition with the 2002 Addenda)
Section XI Update Change of publication cycle No longer on a three year Edition cycle with yearly Addenda Two year Edition cycle, 2013, 2015, 2017, etc. Code Cases published four times per year Documents that clarify the intent of existing Code requirements or provide alternative requirements Interpretations will be posted online Formal written responses to written inquiries New Working Groups and Task Groups Working Group Non-Metals Repair/Replacement Activities Task Group on Repair by Carbon Fiber Composites Task Group on HDPE repair/replacement Task Group Buried Components Inspection and Testing Task Group on High Strength Nickel Alloys Issues
Section XI Update Regulatory Separation of regulatory requirements Numerous places where Section XI contains requirements for submitting documents to the regulatory or enforcement authority or identifies documents that are subject to review by those authorities BNCS has asked BPV XI to separate those requirements Remove them completely Move them to an Appendix Both the NRC and BPV XI will be working on a mutual solution BPV XI will survey international communities to see how they might view these regulatory requirements
Section XI Update Industry BPV XI Top Ten List It has an iterative list of the top 10 changes/issues for the committee’s consideration Reviewed each meeting and revised based on industry needs and input Keeps committees focused Coordination with NRC list and the concept is gaining more attention Potentially develop a Joint Operational Plan Industry needs and the work provided by the members make this plan a success
Section XI Update Industry (cont’d) Actions Completed Code Case N-770-2 was revised to incorporate optimized weld overlay and inspection of a large diameter cold leg temperature locations Code Case N-754 – optimized dissimilar metal weld overlay used for mitigation Code Case N-749 – Flaw Evaluation Acceptance Criteria for Ferritic Components based on Elastic Plastic Fracture Methods Code Case N-771, “On-line rules” for inservice examination during power operation Still need to address Successive Examination Code Case N-788, Third Party NDE Certification Organization Third party in lieu of employer-based certification
BPV XI Update Industry (cont’d) Develop Rules for Operational Leakage Phase 1 is completed which was to incorporate existing code cases into Section XI Phase 2 is to define requirements to address leakage acceptance Phase 3 is to look into new items, techniques, and approaches Phase 2 and 3 are currently being worked in parallel
BPV XI Update Industry (cont’d) New Working Group for Nonmetals R/R Activities Developing a Code Case for HDPE R/R Activities First issuance expected in 2013; repair by electrofusion is targeted for 2014 Developing a Code Case for Repair of Moderate Energy Class 2 and Class 3 Piping using Carbon Fiber Composites Grass roots effort - will not use Code Case N-589, but will apply lessons learned First issuance targeted for 2015
BPV XI Update New Code Revision to Division 2 A significant change was made during the year The change was to be able to include all reactor types Requirements will pertain to all reactor types Specific requirements for each reactor type will be included in appendices Small Modular Reactors Implement a Reliability Integrity Management (RIM) system The new Division 2 is expected to be published in the 2015 Edition
BPV XI Update Revision of Division 2 (cont.) RIM (Reliability and Integrity Management) Plant design, inservice inspection, online monitoring Appropriate level of reliability of systems, structures and components (SSC) Continuing assurance over the life of the plant that such reliability is maintained Design and inspection or monitoring features important to reliability Design margins Material selection Maintenance, repair, replacement Testing, monitoring, inservice inspection (ISI)
BPV XI Update Revision of Division 2 (cont.) RIM (Reliability and Integrity Management) Determine Scope of SSCs for RIM Program Evaluate SSC Damage Mechanisms Determine Plant and SSC Level Reliability and Capability Requirements (including beyond-design-basis events, if desired) Evaluate RIM Strategies to Achieve Reliability Targets Evaluate Uncertainties in Reliability Performance Determine Scope and Parameters of RIM Program Monitor SSC Reliability Performance and Update RIM Program
Questions Ryan Crane, P.E. Nuclear S&C Europe Liaison craner@asme.org