How to use MRRS for Hearing Conservation Program Reports Access to MRRS granted by MRRS Functional Program Manager HQMC PP&O POC/F; Global Force Management; NIPR #703-571-1041; SIPR #3-022-210-6664. Request must include OPNAV 5239/14 (Rev 9/2011), System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N)
How to use MRRS for Hearing Conservation Program Reports Command Summary: Status of Major Subordinate Commands Activity Summary: Overall status of regiment/group level commands based on RUC Unit Summary: Status of battalion/squadron level commands based on RUC and MCC Details: Report of individual hearing conservation data within the selected command
How to use MRRS for Hearing Conservation Program Reports Command Summary (Division) Activity Summary (Regiment) Unit Summary (Battalion)
How to use MRRS for Hearing Conservation Program Reports Thursday, April 25, 2019
How to use MRRS for Hearing Conservation Program Reports Inspection: FA 5100: Question 0307 Do commanders document overall hearing readiness in the quarterly safety council meeting minutes and if below 85%, develop a plan of action and milestones to obtain 100%? Reference: MCO 6260.3A, encl (2), par 8c Enrolled: Personnel (all USN and USMC) required to have an annual audiogram minus personnel with a Termination Exam. Inspection: FA 5100: Question 0306 Are all Marines, assigned Sailors, and exposed civilians entered into the Hearing Conservation Program. Reference: MCO 6260.3A, Par 4b(16)(d) and encl (2), par 2j(3) Unit Count: Personnel Assigned to RUC, Marine and Navy 2215 Complete: Reference Audiogram “Baseline” Inspection: FA 5100: Question 0306 This should match the unit count, 100% completion. 2215 completed typically during service entry or re-established with Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) Medically reported Permanent Significant Threshold Shift (PTS) requires WESS entry. WESS PTS numbers that are inconsistent with MRRS PTS numbers require written reconciliation from the MTF audiology POC, who will provide the most accurate PTS data. . Inspection: FA 5100: Question 0402 Are all PTS)(traumatic and non-traumatic) entered into WESS? Reference: MCO 6260.3A, is encl 2, par 13d and MCO P5102.1B, chap 3, par 3004.4.l Boxes includes FA 5100 questions and how to use table for answers.
***** FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - PRIVACY ACT SENSITIVE ***** Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure of this information may result in both criminal and civil penalties. Date: 26-Jul-2016 Page: 1 of 1 Hearing Conservation (Details) Report Activity: Unit: DOD ID Rank/ Rate PNEC DD2215 Date DD2216 STS HC Termination Date Confirmed PTS WESS/OSHA Reportable Remarks 7562 10-Oct-2011 Yes No DD2216 Due 7236 31-Jan-2005 14-Apr-2015 POS Follow up Due 7532 06-Jan-2016 02-Dec-2015 7041 31-Aug-2000 15-Oct-2015 7565 09-Nov-1999 10-Nov-2015 7525 06-May-2004 29-Jun-2016 1302 10-Feb-1993 19-Mar-2015 8042 05-Nov-2002 06-Nov-2014 Name Missing reference audiogram HCP Non-Compliant (includes POS STS) Confirmed PTS Remarks DD2216 Due – missing annual (periodic) hearing test. Confirmed PTS – WESS entry required. STS POS: Personnel needing to complete follow up evaluations (Requires command attention)