Chapter 21 the Enlightenment and Revolutions LESSON 1 – The Scientific Revolution Population doubled 100mil to 200mil Great on diagnosis short on cures Spiritual explanation to rational explanation Literacy on the rise thanks to Protestant push for public education Deist – God was not active in day to day lives of people but rather created and put into motion humanity and the world
Setting the Stage for Revolution: The Enlightenment 1550-1800
absolute rule? What was given as a justification for It was the desire of the people B. It was the birthright of the rulers C. The idea of the “Divine Right of Kings” D. It had always been done that way
People began to question old beliefs and ways 2. How did the Scientific Revolution contribute to big changes in political thinking? People began to question old beliefs and ways B. The Heliocentric Theory was disproven C. The Church supported the Scientific Method D. The Geocentric Theory was proven
What was the first reaction of the Catholic Church to many of the scientific theories? They supported scientific research They thought the Sun was the center of the universe C. They became Enlightened D. They thought they were heresy
4. What resulted from people demanding 4. What resulted from people demanding proof for natural theories involving the world and its forces? A. The Social Contract B. The Enlightenment C. The Scientific Method D. An investigative council
5. What was another name for the Age of Enlightenment The Age of Reason The Age of Absolutism The Age of Change The Age of Conflict
6. Which was not an idea promoted by Montesquieu The three branches of government B. Checks and Balances C. Deism D. Separation of Powers
7. Philosophes were thinkers who were all of the following except: Upper members of the Catholic clergy B. Mostly nobility and middle class men C. Writers, professors, journalists, and economists D. Social Reformers
8. Which was not a role of government advocated by Adam Smith? A. To protect society via a military B. To help the poor and needy C. Protect society from injustice D. To keep up public works