Gerunds By Mr. LO Chung-kwong All rights reserved 2002
a noun made from a verb + “ing”. A GERUND is …… a noun made from a verb + “ing”. I like dogs. A noun ( a thing ) I swim. A verb ( an action you do. ) I like swimming. A gerund ( a noun made from a verb + “ing” )
Some verbs are often used with gerunds. e.g. like , love, hate, deny, admit, enjoy, etc. I like playing football. He loves singing. She hates talking to Peter. Tom denied breaking the windows. They admit making the mistakes. We enjoyed lying on the sand.
Questions to check if you understand! What is a gerund? A verb A noun A noun made from a verb + “ing”.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. swim / to swim / swimming I hate ( ). He loves ( ). They enjoyed ( ). We tried ( ) Tom Sawyer denied ( ) in the river.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. swim / to swim / swimming I hate swimming. He loves swimming. They enjoyed swimming. We tried to swim. Tom Sawyer denied swimming in the river.
3. Which sentence has a gerund? He loves dancing Dancing is her interest. I am dancing. They were dancing A verb in the form of present participle . To show that the action is being done at the present moment.