Disclosure Guidelines In presentations (whether within or outside of HMS and affiliated institutions), it is good practice to orally state all relevant commercial relationships and display them on a slide at the beginning of the presentation. See eye.hms.harvard.edu/disclosures for further details.
Disclosure Example 1 Dr. Dyson is a shareholder in Cyberdyne Systems Corp. and a named inventor on licensed patents concerning cybernetic prostheses. As such, he is a recipient of dividends and royalties through Cyberdyne. Dr. Dyson receives research funding from Acme Company. Dr. Dyson provides consulting for Stark Industries, Tyrell Corp, and Wayne Enterprises, and is a non-remunerated board member of Globex, Oscorp, and Virtucon.
Disclosure Example 2 Cyberdyne Systems Corp. (shareholder, intellectual property, and related dividends and royalties) Acme Company (research funding) Stark Industries, Tyrell Corp, Wayne Enterprises (consultant) Globex, Oscorp, Virtucon (non-remunerative board member)
Disclosure Example 3 No commercial relationships relevant to the subject matter of the presentation