Police Powers Arrest a person who reliable witnesses have said has committed a crime. Arrest a person they see committing a crime.
Police Powers Stop and search someone e.g. if the police suspect they are carrying a weapon or illegal drugs.
Police Powers Enter a building without a warrant if they hear sounds of a serious disturbance or if they are pursuing someone who has committed a serious crime
Police Powers Demand the name and address of a witness to a crime
Evaluation of Police The police across Scotland make every effort to achieve their main roles and functions. Over the next few slides you will see some statistics, which you should put into a table:
Starter- Evaluation of Police Achievements of the police Negative stats and stories
Statistic 1 Total number of crimes in Scotland has decreased from 245,243 in 2016 to 238,651 in 2017
Statistic 2 The number of sexual offences has gone up – 10,273 in 2016 to 10,822 in 2017
Statistic 3 15 more people were murdered in 2017 than in 2016 over the same time period. 64 compared to 49.
Statistic 4 More sexually recorded crime could mean the police have a better relationship with communities, which is allowing people to come forward.
Statistic 5 There are fewer house break ins overall from 2016 to 2017. From 17,583 to 16,299
Statistic 6 Within the fire-raising category, fire-raising itself increased – 2,574 in 2016 to 2,787 in 2017. All these statistics came from http://www.scotland.police.uk/assets/pdf/138327/232757/management-information-report-quarter4
2017 2019 e.g. Keep Safe Initiative #everynineminutes Name of Initiative Year implemented What is the initiative about? Why was it introduced? Statistics and evidence e.g. Keep Safe Initiative 2017 Keep Safe works in partnership with Police Scotland and a network of local businesses to create ‘Keep Safe’ places for disabled, vulnerable, and elderly people when out and about in the community. This initiative was introduced as the more vulnerable people within society. For example, disabled people are twice as likely to be a victim of crime. #everynineminutes The initiative looks to raise awareness of physical and emotional assault as cases peak near Christmas Domestic abuse spike by a staggering 25 per cent from 2016-2017. This is seen to be more prevalent during the festive period. Child Sexual Abuse: Stop it Now 2019 Campaign directly targeting perpetrators who sexually abuse children online. This is a combined effort from police Scotland and Stop it Now charity group. Aims to highlight the consequences of being a sexual offender. Provides support to change sexual offenders behaviour. Targets specifically perpetrators who sexually abuse children online and to date the National campaign has led to 77 people being arrested and charged, with over 30 million sexual images of children being recovered. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/domestic-violence-campaign-every9minutes-highlights-11730474
Criticisms of Police Scotland Many of the recent criticisms stem from the decision by the Scottish Government in 2012 to merge all police forces in Scotland into one. Police Scotland has existed since 1st April 2013 when the following agencies merged: The Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency Plus the 8 regions
Criticisms of Police Scotland Read the article about the M9 crash and complete the task on the sheet… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYuckEn1As https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOT9oUNbl28 Many people believe that Scotland is simply too big and diverse to have one force. This goes against the rational behind the merger which was simplify how different forces co-operated and reduce administration costs.
Criticisms of Police Scotland Stop and Search- Critics of Police Scotland claim they have used stop and search far too much, achieving little apart from alienating young people in deprived areas. They fear many kids who consent to searches don’t know they have the right to refuse. The advisers warned that stop and search "has been used disproportionately, particularly on children and young people". For example; Police Scotland stopped and searched thousands of children between the ages of eight and 12 last year, according to data obtained by BBC Scotland. Officers carried out 2,912 searches on children in that age group between April and December 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYuckEn1As https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOT9oUNbl28
Criticisms of Police Scotland Under-funding: The severe lack of funding in Police Scotland which ahs led to a lack of resources. Numerous cuts has led to a significant drop to officers on the ground actively preventing and deterring crime from taking place. Also making Police Scotland less efficient overall. For example; It has emerged that a funding gap of £200 million by the year 2020/21 Officers on the ground in Edinburgh have estimated that a third of officers have been cut which this leaves Edinburgh police with a level of policing 40 per cent lower than Glasgow, and the highest rate of unsolved crime in Scotland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYuckEn1As https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOT9oUNbl28
Homework Knowledge Questions 1. Describe, in detail, two of the functions of the police in Scotland. (6) 2. Describe, in detail, two powers of the police. (6) 3. Explain, in detail, two reasons why the Scottish Police Service has been accused of being ineffective (6) 18
KU Question Describe, in detail, two initiatives that have been brought in by the police in Scotland in order to reduce crime. 4 marks