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Influences Having an Impact on Organizations & Management Social Forces … values, needs, and standards of behavior Political Forces … influence of political and legal institutions on people & organizations Economic Forces … forces that affect the availability, production, & distribution of a society’s resources
Management Perspectives Over Time 2000 2010 The Technology-Driven Workplace 1990 2010 The Learning Organization 1980 Total Quality Management 2000 1970 Contingency Views 2000 1950 2000 Systems Theory 1940 Management Science Perspective 1990 1930 Humanistic Perspective 1990 1890 Classical 1940
Classical Perspective Three Sub-Fields Scientific Bureaucratic Organizations Administrative Principles
Characteristics of Scientific Management General Approach Developed standard method for performing each job. Selected workers with appropriate abilities for each job. Trained workers in standard method. Supported workers by planning work and eliminating interruptions. Provided wage incentives to workers for increased output. Contributions Demonstrated the importance of compensation for performance. Initiated the careful study of tasks and jobs. Demonstrated the importance of personnel and their training. Criticisms Did not appreciate social context of work and higher needs of workers. Did not acknowledge variance among individuals. Tended to regard workers as uninformed and ignored their ideas.
Bureaucracy Organizations Labor is divided with clear definitions of authority and responsibility. Positions are in hierarchy of authority. Personnel are selected and promoted based on qualifications. Management is separate from the ownership. Rules and procedures ensure reliable, & predictable behavior. Rules are impersonal and uniformly applied. SOURCE: Adapted from Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organizations, ed. and trans. A.M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons (New York: Free Press, 1947), 328-337.
Administrative Principles Contributors to this approach, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker, and Chester I. Barnard Focused on organization rather than the individual Delineated the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling
Henri Fayol’s 14 Points Division of labor Authority Discipline Unity of command Unity of direction Subordination of individual interest Remuneration Centralization Scalar chain Order Equity Stability and tenure of staff Initiative Esprit de corps
Hawthorne Studies Ten year study Four experimental & three control groups Five different tests Test pointed to factors other than illumination for productivity 1st Relay Assembly Test Room experiment, was controversial, test lasted 6 years Interpretation, money not cause of increased output Factor that increased output, Human Relations
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy Based on needs satisfaction General Examples Organizational Examples Self-fulfillment Self-actualization Challenging Job Status Esteem Job Title Friendship Belonging Friends Stability Safety Retirement Plan Shelter Physiological Wages Based on needs satisfaction
Douglas McGregor Theory X & Y Theory Y People are lazy People lack ambition Dislike responsibility People are self-centered People don’t like change People are energetic People want to make contributions People do have ambition People will seek responsibility
Behavioral Sciences Approach Develops theories about human behavior based on scientific methods & study Sub-field of the Humanistic Perspective Applies social science in an organizational context In understanding employees draws from economics, psychology, sociology
Management Science Perspective Emerged after WW II Distinguished for its application of mathematics, statistics to problem solving Operations Research emerged Operations Management emerged Information Technology
Three Contemporary Trends Systems Theory Contingency View Total Quality Management (TQM) Managers need certain core skills and basic understanding of management and leadership if they plan to operate within a TQM System. This site has several core modules.
Systems View
Contingency View
Elements of a Learning Organization Team-Based Structure Learning Organization Empowered Employees Open Information
Types of E-Commerce Business-to-Consumer B2C Selling Products and Services Online Consumer-to-Consumer C2C Electronic Markets Created by Web-Based Intermediaries Business-to-Business B2B Transactions Between Organizations