CREATING A SOCIETY ACTIVITY Over the next few months, we will be exploring the foundations of Western Civilization including the evolution of thought about what form of government is best for a country. Consider what we discussed yesterday regarding perspective and empathy as you do this activity. Get out a sheet of Binder paper and label it: Packet Assignment #1 – Creating a Society Activity
Part I- Rules that benefit a society Individually, create some basic political, social and economic rules you feel are necessary for the well being and success of any group of people. List the main rules you come up with on your own sheet of binder paper in the three categories listed below. Be ready to defend your rules. Remember, you want to build a society that will last & would be an enjoyable place to live. POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR GOVERNMENT RULES: How will you select a ruler or rulers? What powers will the ruler/s have? How are laws created? How are laws enforced? POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR SOCIAL RULES: What rights will different types of people have? How will you deal with people who harm others? Who will provide for people who cannot help themselves? POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR ECONOMIC RULES: How will the ownership of land and resources be determined? How will jobs get done? Do people have to pay taxes? If so, how much and what for?
Part II- Group Rule Book Creation You will be assigned to join a group classmates whose task is to establish a “Rule Book” for your fictional society – make up a name for your country. As a group, you will work collaboratively and discuss the pros and cons of various rules you came up with individually and come to consensus (consensus means a strong majority of group members must agree) on rules. Each group member must participate and be allowed to propose their rules to the group. Using a laptop and PowerPoint, your task is to: Create an introductory slide with the name of your country and a few images that reflect the values of your society. Create at least one slide for Government, Social & Economic Rules. Save “Rule Book” PowerPoint for your group on R:/Common Folder/Teachers/Greenberg/World History Share your Rule Book with the class tomorrow and be ready to explain/defend your Rule Book when asked
Part III-Individual Reflection After you have heard from all the groups, answer these reflection questions in complete and thoughtful sentences on the same sheet of paper you used to brainstorm your individual rules: What main similarities and/or differences did you notice among the rules of the different groups? 2) How does this activity relate to starting a class on World History? Hint: Consider perspective, precedent and empathy