Project Management Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a way that these resources deliver all the work required to complete a project within defined scope, time, and cost constraints. A project is a temporary and one-time endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.
Project Management What are the tools? Gantt charts PERT or CPM Technique Work breakdown structure
PERT and CPM PERT: Program Evaluation and Review Technique CPM: Critical Path Method
The Network Diagram Activities Events Network (precedence) diagram Activity-on-arrow (AOA) Activity-on-node (AON)
The Network Diagram Path Critical path Critical activities Slack Sequence of activities that leads from the starting node to the finishing node. Critical path The longest path; determines expected project duration. Critical activities Activities on the critical path. Slack Allowable slippage for path; the difference the length of path and the length of critical path.
Project Management What are the Key Metrics Time Cost Performance objectives
Project Manager Responsible for: Work Quality Human Resources Time Communications Costs
Project Manager Responsible for: Technical and Financial Analysis PMP certification CFM, CFA and CFP certification Financial Evaluation and Investment Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis