Welcome Demand for Ayurvedic Medicines is increasing everyday. Need of understanding Ayurved.
Expression of meaning is ‘Everything is Medicine ‘. नास्ति मूलं अनौषधम् || Expression of meaning is ‘Everything is Medicine ‘.
To fulfil the need of every ingredient Ayurved have simple formula 1]Food is Medicine. To fulfil the need of every ingredient Ayurved have simple formula
If Food contains six tests then need of all ingredients is fulfilled. नित्यं षड् रसभ्यास: | If Food contains six tests then need of all ingredients is fulfilled. 1]Sweet-मधुर 2]Sour-आम्ल 3]Salt/Saline-लवण 4]Pungent-कटु 5]Bitter-तिक्त 6]Astringent-कषाय
There are two easily available substances which contain five tests. 1]Amla-Emblica officinale 2]Garlic-लशुन.
2]Pure water is also a medicine. 3]Healthy environment is Medicine. Add any salt with these substances and get all six tests. Use them daily. Bajrai-Milet-Part other than grain {सरमाड / बाटूक} is not food. By giving this part need of animal is not fulfilled. 2]Pure water is also a medicine. 3]Healthy environment is Medicine.
स्नेहो निरन्तरस्तत्र प्रसवे हेतू उच्यते| Affection towards child is reason to give milk. Remind ,See, touch or to take on lap are the reasons to promote to give milk. Aim and Use of Ayurved is to remain healthy
स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणम् | This is primary aim of Ayurved because – ‘Prevention is better than cure.
Secondary Aim is- ‘आतुरस्य व्याधि परिमोक्ष: | To cure the disease is the secondary Aim. Reason of Diseases is- ‘रोगा: सर्वेऽपि मन्देग्नौ |’ Slackness of “अग्नि”.
This is responsible to produce substance called ‘आम’. One more concept of Ayurved –We must learn is ‘आम’. Undigested part.
Everyone can diagnose ‘आम’ It can be understood by some symptoms. 1]Faul smell of mouth. 2]Foul smell of stool 3]Faul smell of urine 4]Sink of stool-Splash in yard 5]Saliva is in the form of string 6]Layer on tongue.
Right time ‘to Diagnose’ ब्राह्मे मुहूर्ते उत्तिष्ठेत् जीर्णाजीर्णं उपाचयेत | Wake up early in morning-2hrs before sunrise and exam what is digested and what is not.
One word in Samskrut for Disease is AAmay-‘आमय’-Home of ‘आम’. Shatavri and Ashwagandha–wellknown milk increasing herbs. Cannot be given in the condition of having ‘AAm’
First line of treatment should be to digest ‘AAm’eg-Musta, Guduchi, Jirak Hence before usung Galctogogues,Galacto Purifiers should be used.eg-Shunthi-Gingiber officinale, Devdaru, Tulsi,Sariva, Musta-Cyperus rotundus, Guduchi-Tinospora cordifolia, Haridra-Curcuma longa
Spermopoietics – Mashparni,Mudgaparni,,Shatavari,Ashwagandha,Udid-Vigna mungo,Mansi-Nardostachys Jatamansi. Aamla Spermato Purifiers./Uterus Cleaners.-eg-Aloe Vera,Shepa-Anethum graveolens, Gorakhmundi-Spoaranthus indicus, Dhataki Woodfordia fructicosa, Dadim-Pomegranate, Arjun-Terminalia chebula, Ushir-Khas-Vetiveria zizanioides.
‘Panchkarma’Should be done before conceiving ‘Basti’-having half of the weightage of Treatment. Shtavaryadi Tail asti,Dashmulik Basti.
By following these steps of treatment Health can be achieved. Defined as- समदोषा: समग्निष्च समाधातुमल क्रिया: | प्रसन्नआत्माइन्द्रिय मन:स्वस्थ इति अभिधीयते ||
Animals are used as for trials of medicines. For me Using human being for trials of medicines