Ms. Mourdock AC Language Arts Class Welcome Parents! Ms. Mourdock AC Language Arts Class
A little about me… McCleskey Middle School Kennesaw State University and Gifted Endorsement 2011-2014 Kennesaw State University 2010 HTMS Student 1999-2002 Returns to HTMS 2014!
Expectations Be present and ready to learn. Have a positive attitude to achieve your goals. Use respectful language and tones. Always put forth your best effort. Follow teacher directions.
Journaling and IAN (Interactive Notebook) Students will use their journal/IAN on a near daily basis. Unless needed for a specific reason, they live here. Some journals are fun, some are thought provoking, but all serve academic purposes. IAN is where we will take notes about the contents we’re working on.
Sample Prompt
How will my student be graded? Essays/Projects/Tests 40% Tests, essays, projects Quizzes 30% Academic Vocabulary, Writing Skills Grammar Classwork 25% Classwork, warm-ups, notebook checks Homework 5% Primarily completion
Keeping In Touch Agenda for homework Blog for daily assignments Reading and Writing with Huskies Synergy for grades E-mail any of us with any concerns
If you wish to donate… Tissues Scissors Hand Sanitizer Paper Band Aids Books Spiral/Composition Notebooks Candy (Chocolate for teachers)
Any Questions?? Feel free to jot any questions or comments down on a sticky and place them on the “parking lot!” Please include contact information, so we can get in touch with you.