CGW4UC – September 8th, 2015
Course Outline Discuss Questions/Concerns? Most course material will be accessible from this website. This includes hand outs, PowerPoints, assignments, review sheets, due dates, links to important resources and announcements. It is recommended that you visit this site on a regular basis, especially if you have been absent. If you notice any problems with the website (ie: broken links), please notify me as soon as possible.
Tips for succeeding in CGW4U... Be on time and come prepared with your work completed Complete ALL of your class work, homework and assignments with care Submit all of your work on time Come prepared to actively participate and engage Advocate for yourself, ask questions and seek assistance when needed Remember, we will be using material from a variety of sources so notes must become a ready reference. Be prepared and open to challenge your views, those of your peers, in a respectful manner
An Introduction to World Issues Imagine you are a first-class passenger on a spaceship hurling through space Poisonous gases are leaking into certain sections of the craft and several passengers are dying from the fumes The water supply has been contaminated due to a breakdown in the ship's waste expulsion system
An Introduction to World Issues Many passengers crowded into the economy section of the craft are seriously ill, and only a few of them are getting proper medical attention Food supplies are running low and a large number of passengers are chronically undernourished
An Introduction to World Issues The spaceship has an overall destruct system and increasing numbers of technologists - some mentally unstable - have gained access to the controls of the destruct system What would you do?
An Introduction to World Issues List your 5 top priorities in order of importance
Why stay informed? The more widely we observe the world around us, the more critically and intelligently we can discuss it. Reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV and webcasts, from a variety of sources, will allow you to develop a better understanding of the key global issues that are affecting our country on an international scale. What are some possible challenges to staying informed about global issues??
Are we addicted to social media?
Facebook and Twitter can be excellent tools with regard to communication and sharing information in a rapid manner. However, we must ensure that they are used properly. As a student in this Canadian and World Issues course, you will be challenged to think outside our your current “bubble”. What does that mean?
This type of bubble?
Living in a “bubble” is a figurative reference pertaining to how we tend not to move away from our social and cultural comfort zones. For instance, an example would be the relatively quiet, rural town of Stayner, Ont. low crime rate, low poverty rate, high standard of living, access to a variety of recreational opportunities etc. Our life experiences form our perceptions about the world. Our perceptions shape our PERSPECTIVE.
Perspective Two arguments are given by students as to why world issues are not of great concern: A) I am really unaware of the problem; how does it really affect me? There is too much mixed information being presented by the media. B) What can I do? I am just one person and the issues are too great. I can’t change the world.
These are two very good arguments These are two very good arguments. We are very fortunate to be living in this part of the world. In many instances, we have more than we need. Most of the world issues involve countries and people that are far away, places with which we think we will never have contact. For example, war and hunger are things with which we cannot relate.
Did you know that most of the issues in the world have been created or caused by OUR part of the world? We are directly or indirectly responsible. Who has all the wealth? Who controls the world economy? Who has the military might and produces the world’s weapons? Who has most of the food? Is it a 'good for us, too bad for them' situation? The Haves vs the Have Nots!
Activity... In groups of 4, Discuss “What is an Issue?” Write down your group’s definition of “issue,” including any characteristics. Consider how an issue is similar to and different from a problem
An issue can be defined as: A complex, multi-faceted problem that requires a solution Having interrelated economic, socio-cultural, political and environmental components Involves many stakeholders with differing points of view Controversial
A problem versus an issue A problem is usually smaller than an issue. Although problems require a solution – problems don’t necessarily involve different viewpoints or a disagreement on how to solve it. ISSUE An issue is a complex problem also requiring a solution. Issues have many different stakeholders involved, involves a dispute and becomes a matter of concern to many people.
A problem versus an issue My dog is sick. Sophie didn’t do her homework Alabama Boy, 5, held hostage ISSUE: Animal abuse in the United States. Sophie can’t go to school because she may be killed by the Taliban. Gun control in the USA
Problem or Issue? HIV/AIDS in Africa Oil spill near a local riverbed Displaced people in Sudan Global Warming Gators escaping from a local zoo Child soldiers in the Middle East and Africa Blood diamonds Feeding the world
Activity… In the news Bingo