Progress in the implementation of RTMCF1 Action Plan
Data repository & data storage Survey & data inventory ( Context & scope Methodology Reports Data sharing / licensing conditions Datasets (with access control)
Survey & data inventory Data repository & data storage Survey & data inventory
Why an inventory ? Data repository & data storage Discover and acknowledge surveys conducted by other services, organizations and NGOs Avoid unnecessary duplication of effort Opportunities of collaboration Access public reports, metadata, or even datasets (with access control)
Data storage and dissemination Data dissemination through GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility -
Data storage and dissemination Data dissemination through GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Occurrences (presence of species) vs Sampling-events (transects, timed swims etc.) Quality control and linkage to reference databases Metadata to describe methodology, authorship, project etc… Discoverability and traceability Contributors are generally researchers after data has been validated and published
Information storage and dissemination Pacific Law & Policy Database To be publically released beginning of 2019
Data/information storage and dissemination Data dissemination through the PDH (Pacific Data Hub - Not released yet) Storage of reports and data in various formats (CSV, XLS,…) with metadata Not limited to curated and validated biodiversity data The Pacific Data Hub should be one of the solutions for sharing open data
SPC & Pacific data governance Data governance and standardisation SPC & Pacific data governance SPC wide Business continuity plans are currently in review Pacific Data Hub initiative Data policy to be developed as part of the Pacific Data Hub initiative Statistics for Development World Bank funded project through the Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building (TFSCB project) Component 1: Establishing the Pacific Microdata Library Component 2: Harmonisation of census and survey datasets Similar objectives as what we try to achieve for coastal fisheries
Data standardisation Data standardisation During the inventory of existing data it appeared that a lot of existing data we came across is not readily usable for management purpose. Sketchy / anecdotal data Species amalgamated Irregular sampling The reasons could be Survey forms too complex for on-going data collection Additional surveyor training and follow-up required Lack of staff/resources/motivation to collect data on a regular basis
Should we revisit coastal data collection ? Data standardisation Should we revisit coastal data collection ? We need to cross the data divide to get answer to our management questions but not all bridges will bring you to the other side.
Make a political decision and put in place regulations Data standardisation What do we need data for ? Alert Manage Is there an issue with some species / fisheries ? Confirm there is an issue and get required data to assess and propose management measures What is the contribution of coastal fisheries and aquaculture to the livelihood of the population ? Make a political decision and put in place regulations Enforce management measures Legislate Control
Data collection with a purpose Data standardisation Data collection with a purpose Several times per month Every 5-10 years When need arise $ $$ $$$ $$$$ Creel surveys Simplified market surveys Lengths (weights) Species at risk effort HIES Household, Income & Expenditure Surveys Consumption Dependency on fisheries for livelihoods Fisheries ad-hoc surveys Field Answer to specific management question Alert Manage Legislate
Simplified market survey Data standardisation Simplified market survey Market Market stall Date, vendor, fishing areas, fishing methods Compare years and seasons Use size at maturity Trigger alert Catch for sale Species, picture, measurements, (fork length for fishes, carapace length for crabs, weight, price, etc) Some trials just started Online database in development
Additional workforce in 2019 Pacific European Union Marine Program (PEUMP) Key Result Area 3: Coastal Fisheries Component 3.3 Coastal fisheries data collection and national database development including trials of new technology A developer has been recruited and will start in mid-January 2019 Software development Training and user support Data inventory
Questions for group work Do you currently conduct catch and effort landing and/or market surveys and do you feel they provide you enough information to manage your coastal fisheries ? If not why ? Would you implement a market survey programme based on acquiring length data for target species. If not why ? Would you share this data with other countries ? If not why ? What are you expectations for a law, policies and regulations database ? What would be your typical use of such a tool.