Hot Topics! Accreditation and the 2012 Standards What’s New? ASCCC Fall Plenary 2012 Dolores Davison, Foothill College Roberta Eisel, Citrus College Virgina May, Sacramento City College
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes By fall 2012, all colleges must be at the proficiency level for Student Learning Outcomes.
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes The ACCJC has required all colleges to submit a special report regarding this requirement. In this report, the colleges must demonstrate how they have attained the proficiency level. Half of the reports were due October 2012, and the other half are due March 2013.
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes What is required to be at the Proficiency Level? You must meet all of the criteria from the Awareness and Development Levels as well as the following:
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes Proficiency Level • Student learning outcomes and authentic assessments are in place for courses, programs, support services, certificates and degrees. • There is widespread institutional dialogue about the results of assessment and identification of gaps.
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes Proficiency Level • Decision-making includes dialogue on the results of assessment and is purposefully directed. toward aligning institution-wide practices to support and improve student learning. • Appropriate resources continue to be allocated and fine-tuned.
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes Proficiency Level • Comprehensive assessment reports exist and are completed and updated on a regular basis. • Course student learning outcomes are aligned with degree student learning outcomes.
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes Proficiency Level • Students demonstrate awareness of goals and purposes of courses and programs in which they are enrolled.
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes When do we have to be at the Continuous Quality Improvement Level?
Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Part III: Student Learning Outcomes Where do I find the entire rubric?
Evidence Just what do we mean by evidence? What constitutes evidence? How do we use evidence?
Questions and concerns Governing Board Questions and concerns
Sanctions, a hot topic Why are institutions finding themselves on some form of sanction? Let’s take a look…
Top Deficiencies Causing Sanctions (ACCJC Newsletter, June 2012) Colleges on Sanction Program Review Planning Internal Governance Board Financial Stability or Management 2009 Sanctions (n=24) 71% (17) 92% (22) 46% (11) 54% (13) 2010 Sanctions (n=19) 68% 89% 42% (8) 58% 2011 Sanctions (n=21) 19% (4) (15) 24% (5) 67% (14) 62% 2012 Sanctions (n=28) 21% (6) (20) 18% 50%
Trends in Deficiencies Leading to Sanctions The proportion of institutions with deficiencies in program review work has decreased considerably from 71% of those on sanction in 2009 to 19% of those on sanction in 2012. The proportion of institutions with deficiencies in planning practices has decreased somewhat from 92% of those on sanction in 2009 to 71% of those on sanction in 2012. ACCJC Newsletter June 2012
Trends, continued Internal governance deficiencies have decreased from 46% of those institutions on sanction in 2009 to 18% of those on sanction in 2011. Of most concern, the proportion of institutions with deficiencies in governing board practices has increased sharply from 46% of on sanction in 2009 to 71% of those on sanction in 2012. The proportion of institutions on sanction with deficiencies in financial stability or management has remained at or slightly above 50% since 2009. ACCJC Newsletter June 2012
Self evaluation and actionable improvement plans Fast forward from 2002 to 2012.. From self study and planning agendas to Self evaluation and actionable improvement plans Roberta
New ACCJC Manuals Manual for Institutional Self Evaluation Team Evaluator Manual Substantive Change Manual Guide to Evaluating Institutions Roberta Colleges with comprehensive visits in fall 2012 and beyond are required to use the new manuals.
Tools for colleges MANUAL FOR INSTITUTIONAL SELF EVALUATION Assessing Educational Quality and Institutional Effectiveness September 2012 Roberta
Colleges and visiting teams are to use… Guide to Evaluating Institutions * “Implementation of New U.S.D.E. Regulations” (see also ACCJC Fall 2011 Newsletter) Roberta
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