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$400 $600 $800 $200 $1000 Mouth to Stomach Intestines Enzymes Vocabulary Mouth to Stomach Intestines Enzymes Secretions $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Jeopardy round
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List all the parts that food goes through in order Final Jeopardy Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, cardiac sphincter, stomach, pyloric sphincter, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ilium), large intestine (cecum, ascending, transverse, descending colon, rectum, anus) List all the parts that food goes through in order Final Jeopardy
Reflex action that pushes food into pharynx $200 Swallowing Reflex action that pushes food into pharynx Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Food once physically & chemically digested in the mouth $400 Bolus Food once physically & chemically digested in the mouth Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Food after physically & chemically digested in the stomach $600 Chyme Food after physically & chemically digested in the stomach Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Rhythmic contractions pushing food through the digestive tract $800 Peristalsis Rhythmic contractions pushing food through the digestive tract Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Tissue hanging off the soft palate at the back of your mouth $1000 Uvula Tissue hanging off the soft palate at the back of your mouth Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Where physical digestion occurs $200 Mouth and stomach Where physical digestion occurs Single Jeopardy – Category 2
Passageway from pharynx to stomach $400 Esophagus Passageway from pharynx to stomach Single Jeopardy – Category 2
Name of the two sphincters closing off the stomach $600 Cardiac & Pyloric Name of the two sphincters closing off the stomach Single Jeopardy – Category 2
Starch to maltose & Protein to peptides $800 Starch to maltose & Protein to peptides What nutrients are chemically digested in the mouth & stomach & to what products Single Jeopardy – Category 2
Components of gastric juice $1000 Water Mucus HCl Pepsinogen/pepsin Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Components of gastric juice
Main function of the large intestine $200 Water absorption Main function of the large intestine Single Jeopardy – Category 3
Where most of the digestion occurs $400 Duodenum Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Where most of the digestion occurs
Where most of the absorption of nutrients occurs $600 Jejunum Where most of the absorption of nutrients occurs Single Jeopardy – Category 3
Function of E. Coli $800 produces some B vitamins & vitamin K produces amino acids digest some undigestable material by fermentation produce growth factors (proteins that stimulate cell growth) Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Function of E. Coli
Label & describe function of a villus $1000 Villi & microvilli increase surface area for absorption Blood capillaries conduct sugars and amino acids into bloodstream Lacteal conducts fatty acids and glycerol into lymphatic system Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Label & describe function of a villus
Where most of the chemical digestion using enzymes occurs $200 Small intestine Where most of the chemical digestion using enzymes occurs Single Jeopardy – Category 4
$400 Lipase made in the pancreas & delivered to the small intestine for digestion of fats What enzyme breaks down fats, where is it made & where does the digestion occur Single Jeopardy – Category 4
$600 Nuclease made in the small intestine and pancreatic nuclease made in the pancreas Name the enzymes involved in nucleic acid breakdown & where they are made Single Jeopardy – Category 4
$800 Salivary amylase make in the mouth (starch to maltose) Pancreatic amylase made in the pancreas (starch to maltose) Maltase in the small intestine (maltose to glucose) Single Jeopardy – Category 4 Name all the enzymes involved in the complete breakdown of starches into glucose & where they are made
$1000 Pepsin in the stomach (proteins to peptides) Trypsin made in the pancreas (proteins to peptides) peptidase made in the sm. intestine (peptides to amino acids) Single Jeopardy – Category 4 Name all the enzymes involved in the complete breakdown of proteins & where they are produced
Emulsifies fats – breaks fat into smaller droplets $200 Emulsifies fats – breaks fat into smaller droplets Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Function of bile
Functions of water. $400 Acts as a solvent Used in hydrolysis Lubricates Functions of water. Single Jeopardy – Category 5
Protects stomach lining $600 Lubricates Protects stomach lining Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Functions of mucus
Functions of HCl $800 Helps break down fibrous tissue Kills bacteria Converts pepsinogen (inactive) to pepsin (active) Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Functions of HCl
$1000 Acts on cell membranes to open protein channels allowing glucose to enter from bloodstream This will lower blood glucose levels & provide cells with glucose for cellular respiration to produce ATP Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Function of insulin
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