HST 332: Age of Dictators, Europe 1850-1914 Hitler in Vienna HST 332: Age of Dictators, Europe 1850-1914
Who was Adolf Hitler? Born in 1889 in Braunau, Austria. His father, Alois was a customs official for the Austrian government. His mother, Klara, was a maid servant.
Hitler’s confused ancestry ?
Imperial Academy of Fine Arts
Imperial Vienna
A court ball
Lower class Vienna
Café society
The Viennese mentors From Karl Lueger The utility of socialism The utility of anti-Semitism Mobilizing the masses From the Socialists The power of symbols The power of mass movements Karl Lueger
The Viennese mentors Guido von List Lanz von Liebenfels Ostara
Hitlerian “racial science” Different “races” -ethnic groups - have different essential characteristics. A persons characteristics are determined by their “blood” - DNA. The “strength” of a race depends upon the “purity” of their blood.
Hitlerian racial hierarchy Jews Germanic Scandinavian German Dutch English French Italian Spanish Portuguese Latin Poles Czechs Russians Slavic Asians, Africans, Americans
Hitler in August 1914 In the spring of 1913, Hitler left Vienna for Munich “draft dodger”? Racist? Final payment of his father’s will Was impressed with a more “German” city
Hitler in World War I