Terms to know Bureaucracy- A hierarchical structure that is responsible for day-to-day tasks of the government Bureaucrat- an official in a government agency/ dept
Keys to the “4th “ Branch Since it links all 3 branches together it is sometimes referred to as the 4th branch (POLICY IS KEY) Spoils System/ patronage Pendleton Act (1883)- ends patronage Civil Service Merit System (90% of all Federal workers)
COMMISSIONS ICC was the first (created to end price fixing by railroads) Large rise in Federal Workers during depression and LBJ’s War on Poverty (crisis or social change increases jobs and presidential power) Hatch Act passed 1939 to reduce gov’t workers involvement in politics but is weakened in 1993
Government Workers and Political Involvement Hatch Act of 1939 Prohibits civil servants from taking activist roles in partisan campaigns – federal employees cannot make political contributions, work for a particular party, or campaign for a particular candidate Federal Employees Political Activities Act of 1993 Liberalizes Hatch Act – federal employees can run for office in nonpartisan elections and contribute money to campaigns in partisan elections 5
Terms to know Cabinet Department- agencies of the federal government responsible for carrying out laws, administering programs, and making regulations in their particular area of responsibility
The Cabinet Departments 15 departments (Homeland most recent) Cabinet heads (Secy’s) are appointed by President, and confirmed by Senate, but responsible to their departments (“going native”) How many can you name? Know the important ones!!
Terms to know Independent Regulatory Agency- An administrative agency that is not considered part of the government's executive branch and is not subject to the authority of the president. Independent agency officials cannot be removed without cause.
Terms to know Independent Executive Agency-The government not accounted for by cabinet departments, independent regulatory agencies, and government corporations. Its administrators are typically appointed by the president and serve at the president's pleasure. NASA is an example.
Terms to know Government Corporation- government agency that operates like a business corporation, created to secure greater freedom of action and flexibility for a particular program
Making Agencies Accountable Photo Caption: What role does Congress play in bureaucratic oversight? Congress holds a wide variety of hearings to monitor bureaucratic implementation of public policy. Here, the Senate Judiciary Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Patrick Leahy (D–VT) holds an oversight hearing regarding the interrogation techniques authorized by the Department of Justice during the George W. Bush administration. Executive control Executive orders Congressional control Constitutional authority Funding Oversight hearings Judicial control Injunctions To Learning Objectives 12
Congressional Oversight 1. Investigatory Powers 2. “Power of the Purse” (GAO and CBO) 3. Appointment process 4. Enactment of Laws 5. Abolishment Power
Key Terms Administrative Discretion vs Standard Operating Procedures Hatch Act Executive Orders Regulation Red Tape Dept. of Defense (largest single employer of federal civilian workers by a dept. or agency) Iron Triangles
The Iron Triangle Agencies Congressional Committees Interest Groups RESULT OF ALL THESE DECISION MAKING BODIES IS POLICY MAKING Recently becoming known as “issue networks”
What is an iron triangle?
Where do federal employees work?