Good Father’s Examples


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Presentation transcript:

Good Father’s Examples Kuv Die Nyei Nyungc Zeiv Jauv Good Father’s Examples Maako 5:21-24, 35-43; 1 Hungh Douh 2:1-9 Mark 5:21-24,35-43; 1 Kings 2:1-9 Sunday/June 29, 2011

21 Yesu bieqc nzangv nzuonx wuov ngaanc ziqc koiv-dorn, maaih mienh camv nyei yiem wuov koiv-dorn hlen weih gormx Yesu. 22 Maaih dauh gunv wuic dorngh nyei mienh, mbuox heuc Yailatv, daaih taux. Yietv buatc Yesu, ninh ziouc mbaapv njiec Yesu nyei zaux-hlen . 21 When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. 22 Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet

23 qaqv tov ninh, "Yie nyei sieqv butv baengc hniev haic, oix daic aqv 23 qaqv tov ninh, "Yie nyei sieqv butv baengc hniev haic, oix daic aqv. Tov meih mingh maan jienv ninh, zorc ninh nyei baengc longx, njoux cuotv ninh nyei maengc maah!" 24 Yesu ziouc gan jienv ninh mingh aqv. Mienh camv! haic gan jienv mingh, mbengx zuqc Yesu. 23 and pleaded earnestly with him, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live." 24 So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.”

35 Yesu corc gorngv jienv waac wuov zanc, maaih deix mienh yiem gunv wuic dorngh wuov dauh mienh, Yailatv, nyei biauv, daaih mbuox Yailatv, "Meih nyei sieqv daic mi'aqv. Maiv zuqc la'nyauv fin-saeng aqv." 36 Yesu maiv muangx ninh mbuo nyei waac. Ninh gorngv mbuox gunv wuic dorngh nyei mienh, "Maiv dungx gamh nziex. Kungx oix zuqc sienx hnangv." 35 While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. "Your daughter is dead," they said. "Why bother the teacher any more?" 36 Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe."

37 Ninh yaac maiv bun haaix dauh gan ninh mingh 37 Ninh yaac maiv bun haaix dauh gan ninh mingh. Kungx dorh Bide, Yaagorpc caux Yaagorpc nyei youz, Yo^han, mingh hnangv. 38 Mingh taux wuic dorngh nyei mienh gox nyei biauv, Yesu buatc mienh lunc nzengc, yaac mbiouh mbiouh nyei nyiemv. 37 He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. 38 When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.”

39 Yesu bieqc mingh mbuox ninh mbuo, "Meih mbuo zoux haaix nyungc lunc nzengc? Weic haaix diuc mbiouh mbiouh nyei nyiemv? Naaiv dauh fu'jueiv maiv zeiz daic. Ninh m'njormh hnangv." 40 Mv baac zuangx mienh jatv Yesu, Yesu ziouc zunc ninh mbuo cuotv nzengc, aengx dorh wuov dauh fu'jueiv nyei diex maac caux ninh nyei buo dauh sai-gorx gan ninh bieqc fu'jueiv yiem wuov norm dorngx. 39 He went in and said to them, "Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep."40 But they laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was.

41 Yesu nanv jienv wuov dauh fu'jueiv nyei buoz yaac gorngv "Taa^li^taa ku^mi!" (eix leiz se "Sieqv-faix aah! Yie mbuox meih, jiez sin daaih maah!") 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!" (which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!").

42 Wuov dauh sieqv liemh zeih jiez sin daaih yangh jauv aqv 42 Wuov dauh sieqv liemh zeih jiez sin daaih yangh jauv aqv. Wuov zanc ninh nyei hnyangx-jeiv duqv ziepc nyeic hnyangx. Naaiv deix sic cuotv daaih, zuangx mienh za'gengh! mbuoqc horngh haic aqv. 43 Yesu hatc ninh mbuo cin-maanc maiv dungx gorngv naaiv deix sic mbuox haaix dauh, yaac gorngv, "Lorz deix ga'naaiv bun naaiv dauh sieqv nyanc oc.“ 42 Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. 43 He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.

Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Jiex daaih wuov norm leiz-baaix, mbuo hoqc taux i dauh die nyei nyungc zeiv dongh maiv njaaux fu’jueiv nyei jauv zuqc buangh nyei sic. Last week, we learned two father’s examples, who do not teach their children and faced consequence.

Ih hnoi mbuo oix hoqc taux zoux kuv die mienh nyei nyungc zeiv jauv hnangv haaix nor. Naaiv deix i dauh die zoux nyei kuv nyungc zeiv bun ninh mbuo nyei fu’jueiv nyei jauv se hnangv naaiv mingh: Today, we will learn two examples of good fathers. How the good father do for their children. These two good examples as following:

Da’yietv dauh die zoux nyei kuv sic Da’yietv dauh die zoux nyei kuv sic. Naaiv dauh die zoux 6 nyungc kuv sic weic njoux ninh nyei sieqv nyei maengc. The first father’s good deeds. This father do 6 good thing to save his daughter’s life:

(1) Naaiv dauh die zatv ninh ganh njiec weic njoux ninh nyei sieqv (ys (1) Naaiv dauh die zatv ninh ganh njiec weic njoux ninh nyei sieqv (ys.22). This father was humble himself to save his daughter (vs.22)

(2) Naaiv dauh die tov Yesu tengx njoux ninh nyei sieqv nyei maengc (ys. 23). This father begged Jesus to save his daughter’s life (vs.23).

(3) Naaiv dauh die hnyouv maiv mbungh mbienv, ninh sienx dingc Yesu tengx ninh (ys. 35-36). This father had no doubt, he trusted in Jesus (vs.35-36).

(4) Naaiv dauh die souv wuonv maiv gunv mienh camv gorngv doqc jiatv ninh (39-41). This father stood firmly in front of public’s ridicule him (39-41)

(5) Naaiv dauh die gan Yesu taux setv mueiz (ys.41-42). This father followed Jesus to the end (vs. 41-42).

(6) Naaiv dauh muangx Yesu nyei waac taux setv mueiz (ys. 43). This father obeyed Jesus to the end (vs. 43).

The second father’s example of teaching children (1 Kings 2:1-9). Da’nyeic dauh die nyei nyungc zeiv taux njaaux fu’jueiv nyei jauv (1 Hungh Douh 2:1-9). The second father’s example of teaching children (1 Kings 2:1-9).

Naaiv dauh die yaac fih hnangv nyei njaaux 6 nyungc jauv bun ninh nyei dorn, weic tengx ninh nyei dorn hnangv haaix nor yiem seix zangc, hnangv haaix nor ziangh hnoi-hnoi nyei maengc. Naaiv deix 6 nyungc jauv se maaih hnangv naaiv mingh. This father also taught 6 things to his son on how to live in society and how to deal with everyday life. These 6 things as following:

(1) Naaiv dauh die orn hnyouv tengx ninh nyei dorn maaih hnyouv qaqv (ys.2). The father gives encouragement to his son (vs.2).   (2) Naaiv dauh die njaaux ninh nyei dorn oix zuqc gan longx Tin-Hungh nyei leiz-latc yaac ei jienv zoux (ys.3). The father teaches his son the need to follow God’s commandments and laws (vs.3).

(3) Naaiv dauh die buang waac bun ninh nyei dorn, mbuox ninh nyei dorn, Tin-Hungh oix ceix fuqv ninh nyei dorn se gorngv ninh nyei dorn muangx yaac gan longx Tin-Hungh nyei leiz-latc (ys.4). The father blesses his son and tells him to follow God’s laws and commandments (vs.4).   (4). Naaiv dauh die njaaux ninh nyei dorn oix zuqc zieqv duqv ninh nyei win-wangv dongh haaix dauh, yaac oix zuqc hnangv haaix nor zoux bun win-wangv (ys.5-6). The father teaches his son how to recognize who the enemy is and how to treat them (vs. 5-6).

(5) Naaiv dauh die njaaux ninh nyei dorn hnangv haaix nor zoux bun ninh nyei gorx-youz tengx ninh mbuo (ys.7). The father teaches his son how to treat his friends and how to help them (vs.7).   (6) Naaiv dauh die njaaux ninh nyei dorn hnangv haaix nor longc ninh nyei cong-mengh dunx sic, fai zoux bun ninh nyei win-wangv (ys. 8-9). The father teaches his son how to use his wisdom to deal with his enemies (vs.8-9).

Setv Mueiz Waac - Conclusion Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou njaaux mbuo taux I nyungc jauv. Today’s scripture taught us two things: (1) Kuv die nyei mienh ziux goux ninh nyei fu’jueiv, yaac ciev ziec weic ninh nyei fu’jueiv. A good father taking care of his children and sacrifices for his children. (2) Kuv die nyei mienh longc ziangh hoc caux fu’jueiv jiu tong njaaux ninh mbuo. A good father spend time with children and teach them.