C. Functions of Interest Groups 1. represent issues of the public A. Interest Groups – political organizations who try to gain support for particular issues (NRA=guns; Greenpeace=environment) B. Lobbyist – a person who works for an interest group by trying to lobby (convince) lawmakers to support their issue C. Functions of Interest Groups 1. represent issues of the public 2. lobby policy makers 3. support political candidates
D. Types of Interest Groups 1. Special interest groups – represent particular issues (NRA; Greenpeace) 2. professional interest groups (AMA=doctors; NEA=teachers) 3. Economic interest group (labor unions) AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization)
II. Other definitions A. coattail effect – when one person tries to gain popularity by using the popularity of another person B. mudslinging – negative campaigning; trying to make the character of other candidates look bad